
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Summers End

Summers End (2024) Juneau Black (Shady Hollow #5) Vera Vixen has taken on her most dangerous case yet. She’d agreed to chaperone a school group. Specifically, she’d agreed to join the upper class of Shady Hollow High School on their annual field trip. Vera, Lenore, and Arabella board the ferry with the students, teachers, and […]

Phantom Pond

Phantom Pond (2023) Juneau Black (Shady Hollow) It’s Mischief Night, and everyone is ready for games and treats and tricks–and everyone knows not to go into the woods, or creeping Juniper, the witch who lives there, will get you. First, I really love this series. She jumped in surprise but then realized it was only […]

Twilight Falls

Twilight Falls (2023) Juneau Black (Shady Hollow) It’s spring in Shady Hollow, and romance is everywhere. Vera even convinces Orville to take her on a picnic to the famous Twilight Falls. Wooden rails had been erected close to the banks to prevent anyone from straying too close. And for good reason: the flow was swift […]

Evergreen Chase

Evergreen Chase (2021) Juneau Black (Shady Hollow) It’s almost Solstice, but someone has stolen Shady Hollow’s solstice tree–the tallest in the forest! The one that Callum Burrows has been been tending for years. It’s been my privilege to tend this year’s tree. It was selected thirty-six years ago, and it’s become the finest, tallest, and […]

Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake (2020) Juneau Black (A Shady Hollow Mystery) Orville Braun has decided to run for sheriff, and Vera’s boss, BW Stone, wants Vera to give the paper the inside scoop. But Vera has ethics and decides to consult the local lawyer for advice. “Ah, but now you have the important phrase on the advice […]

Cold Clay

Cold Clay (2017) Juneau Black (A Shady Hollow Mystery) Things have been returning to normal in Shadow Hollow–until a skeleton is discovered in Cold Clay Orchards during harvest. Vera Vixen manages to be there to catch all the details. “Whatever it is, Vera, remember that I’m the one they called. You can observe from a […]

Shady Hollow

Shady Hollow (2015) Juneau Black (A Shady Hollow Mystery) This is cozy mystery, set in a fantasy world with intelligent animals. The characters’ resemblances to real creatures, alive or cruelly murdered, is incidental indeed. For those who feel compelled to resolve this issue before continuing with the story, you may wish to think of the […]