
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

And Nothing But The Truth

Sunday, May 12, 2024

And Nothing But The Truth (2024) Charlie Cochrane (Lindenshaw Mysteries)

And Nothing But The TruthThe body of a man is discovered by a woman out for a run, but he has no identification and he doesn’t match any missing persons reports.

This mystery has an unknown man (who is eventually named) and dead wife who doesn’t seem to be the paragon she presented herself as, and the family and friends of those two.

When I was rereading this series earlier, I was thinking about how long the series had been going on and how old the characters were–in particularly how old the dog was getting.

Adam and Robin have a new puppy at the start of this story. We know Campbell has died, and we learn how, but the couple is over the worst of their grief at the loss, and are learning to deal with a puppy (Adam inherited Campbell as an adult dog).

So in this story the characters are aging with the books. I always find it fascinating how some authors of long-running mystery series age their characters but most ignore the calendar, keeping their detectives fit and handsome throughout the series.

Cover art: L.C. Chase

Publisher: Riptide

Rating: 7/10


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