
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Why Kill the Innocent, Audiobook

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Why Kill the Innocent, Audiobook (2018) C.S. Harris narrated by Davina Porter (Sebastian St. Cyr # 13)

Why Kill the InnocentSet in London in 1814

Content warnings: rape

“I was hoping I’d find you here,” said Devlin pleasantly.

Jarvis kept walking. “I wish I could say I’m delighted not to have disappointed you, but I fear that would be beyond even my considerable powers of dissemblance.”

The Viscount gave a huff of laughter and fell into step beside him. “I think you underestimate yourself.”

“Justice.” Jarvis rolled the word with distaste off his tongue. “This maudlin obsession of yours with vague and essentially useless philosophical constructs is beyond tiresome. Justice comes from God.”

Why should I have to ask God’s forgiveness for that? If there is a God and he did this to us—to my Jeremy, to my Hannah—then I don’t want to see him. I don’t want to go to heaven and live with somebody who’s that cruel and uncaring.

Characters: Sebastian St. Cyr (Devlin), Alistair St. Cyr (Hendon), Sir Henry Lovejoy, Tom, Paul Gibson, Charles Lord Jarvis, Hero Jarvis, Alexi Sauvage, Jane Ambrose, James Somerset, Liam Maxwell, William of Orange, Victoria, Amy Hatcher, Miss Kinsworth, Lady Arabella Osborne, Princess Charlotte

Publisher: Recorded Books

Rating: 8/10


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