
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Dead Man’s Ransom

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Dead Man’s Ransom (1984) Ellis Peters (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #9)

Dead Man's RansomSet in Shropshire, England and Wales in 1141

“If none of us ever fell short, or put a foot astray,” said Cadfael sadly, “everything would be good in this great world, but we stumble and fall, every one. We must deal with what we have.”

“You’d best leave divine justice to its own business,” said Cadfael mildly, “for it needs no help from us.”

What is done matters, but what is yet to do matters far more.

“She may have taken vows of chastity, and what she swears she’ll keep. But she has not sworn never to take delight in the looks and converse and company of a proper man. I doubt they’ll ever bring her to consent to that, she’d think it a waste and a shame so to throw God’s good gifts in his teeth.”

Characters: Cadfael, Abbot Radulfus, Edmund, Rhys, Oswin, Gilbert Prestcote, Melicent Prestcote, Sybilla, Lady Prestcote, Hugh Beringar, Aline Beringar, Alan Herbard, John Marchmain, Sister Magdalen, John Miller, Anion ap Griffri, Griffri ap Llywarch, Elis ap Cynan, Eliud ap Griffith, Owain Gwynedd, Cristina merch Tudur, Tudur ap Rhys, Einon ab Ithel

Publisher: Mysterious Press

Rating: 8.5/10


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