
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Murder on Hunter’s Eve

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Murder on Hunter’s Eve (2024) Morgan Stang (The Lamplight Murder Mysteries #3)

Murder on Hunter's EveThere is a werewolf in Lamplight.

But Isabeau isn’t going after it. Instead, she’s assisting Evie in a murder investigation. One tied to an important secret social club.

“A social club,” said Evie. “What are a minister, a magician and a police chief all doing in the same social club?”

“Sounds like a bad joke, don’t it? Hell, it bloody is, when it comes down to it. But yes, a social club. Us and four others. Powerful people all, I believe. We all meet in a little building called Blithedale’s Fire in the center of West Maribone.”

Since they are running around Lamplight, we get a good look at the underpinnings of the city.

“Children,” said Evie at Isabeau’s other side.

“Come again?” asked Mr Hollingsworth.

“There’s so many,” said Evie, her face blank. “So many children working.”

Isabeau noticed the small frames of dozens of children among the adults.

“They do have tiny fingers, I’ve found.” Mr Hollingsworth smiled.

That is all but a direct quote of the many men who ran factories that employed children.

But to be clear, this is not a story about child labor and the industrial revolution, it’s a steampunk murder mystery, and one that like the previous two books is fun and funny.

Chapter 30: They Get Caught

“A gun!” he exclaimed, drawing close to it. “Looks rather old-timey. Hmm, there’s a nameplate below it. Belongs to one Mr Chekhov.”

I am enjoying this series.

Aside: Another book with wolfsbane.

Many people believe wolfsbane is poison to the werewolf. This is a confusion of the facts. Certainly, the aconitum plant is a poisonous plant. But it doesn’t harm the werewolf in the slightest when ingested.

That’s the third in the past several months.

Characters: Isabeau Agarwal, Evelyn Turnstall, Mr Homes, Penny, Mortimer the Mystifying / Cuthbert Westervelt, Claire Tabbert, Lester Staunton, Detective Stackhurst, Detective Winter, Philip Coverdale, Arthur Hollingsworth, Henry Hollingsworth, Murphy Hammond, Esmeralda Valdez, Lady Blixen, Hunter Ian van Wyke, Annabel Paskin, Elizabeth Ramsdale, Lady Constellation, Col Thrawl, Sir Caradoc

Cover design by: Etheric Designs

Rating: 8/10


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