
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Jack, Knave and Fool

Monday, September 11, 2006

Jack, Knave and Fool (1998) Bruce Alexander

I think the Sir John Fielding mysteries get better as the series continues. Characters continue to be introduced to the series, while familiar characters continue to make an appearance and play an important part in the life of Jeremy Proctor.

In Jack, Knave and Fool Jeremy speaks of what more normal times at Number 4 Bow Street–The less spectacular cases that would have made up the majority of the criminal cases promenaded before Sir John Fielding. But of course this is a mystery, so there is (of course) murder.

We also take a longer look at some of the other members of Sir John’s household–namely Annie, who has become Sir John’s cook. We learn some of her wishes and hopes, and although I don[t find her quite as interesting and likable as Jeremy, it is good to see the household rounded out, and Jeremy focus upon those other than himself. Something that becomes more appropriate as Jeremy becomes older. It was also good to see Jeremy’s renewed interest in studying the law, as he focuses more upon than that, than upon becoming a Bow Street Runner.

But most of all I am enjoying the mysteries. In particular, I liked how Sir John was dealing with multiple cases at once–something that I find more reasonable than the singular focus on a single case that was prominent in the previous mysteries. I also like how Jimmie Bunkins continues to progress in his studies and reformation, yet remains in touch with the edges of criminal society.

I also find it interesting how things we take for granted in modern society are very difficult or simply don’t exist at the time of these stories, such as a qualified coroner, tests for poisons, the ability of law officials to order autopsies, etc.

(Slight) SPOILER
(rot 13)

V nyfb yvxr ubj Fve Wbua Svryqvat qbrfa’g jva ‘rz nyy. Lrf, nf va Jngrel Tenir ur qbrf fbyir gur pnfr, ohg gung qbrf abg zrna gung ur jvaf uvf pnfr. Juvpu vf nyfb ernfbanoyr, sbe xabjvat gur crecrgengbe bs n pevzr, naq cebivat fbzrbar pbzzvggrq n pevzr ner gjb ragveryl qvssrerag guvatf. V nccerpvngr gung Fve Wbua qbrf abg nyjnlf pyrne gur qrpxf, naq gung fbzrgvzrf guvatf qba’g jbex bhg gur jnl lbh jnag gurz gb.


Again, although think you could easily read Jack, Knave and Fool without having read the previous books in the series, I think that it would be far more enjoyable to read the series in order.
Rating: 8/10


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