
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Fire in the Blood

Friday, September 22, 2006

Fire in the Blood (1991) P. N. Elrod
The Vampire Files Vol II

I have to say that I found Fire in the Blood disappointing on multiple levels. Although the mystery wasn’t bad, I know I’ve read at least one of the major conclusions. So it was only the details that were a surprise, rather than the mystery in it’s entirety. And I was sorely disappointed in the ending. The final paragraph was nothing more than a teaser for the next book. I hate that. The major surprise was the trail of bodies–there was a pretty high body count in this story. Well, higher than I had expected anyway.

Jack Fleming and Charles Escott are hired by a millionaire Sebastian Pierce to discover what happened to the bracelet his wife left to their daughter, spoiled brat and heiress Marian Pierce. Mr Pierce suspects that one of Marian’s less than savory friends has heisted the jewels, and wants Jack and Charles to recover the bracelet.

About the only thing I really liked (or at least found very interesting) in this story was the sub-thread about Doreen Grey, and what happens between Doreen and Jack. Except of course, that was yet another thread left hanging, so we don’t actually learn what is really going on. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind secrets and stories that take multiple books to unfold. I just don’t like it when so much of what seemed a best a mediocre books finishes with little more than a “Read the Next Book!” ending.

Here are the last two paragraphs:

I pulled into the street and stepped on the gas. In the rearview mirror, I chanced to look back, and saw a silent Cadillac with smoke-dark windows doing the same.
Snake, I thought, and my hands began to tremble.


On a more positive note, I do like the way that Jack still has limits to his powers, and has not become an invincible being. And again, I like the fact that when this private eye gets knocked out and seriously harmed, I don’t have the voice in the back of my head asking, “who is going to pay all these hospital bills?” He’s a vampire. He heals all on his own! I also liked the fact that she was willing to create an entire book of unlikable characters, and to have Jack and Charles walk the line between “what needs to be done” and brutish thug. I just wish I could have found the story a little more interesting.

I also cannot understand why Jack was asked to leave Top Hat Club. He got jumped–he didn’t start the fight himself. Sure, it got him backstage with Bobbi, but it didn’t make any sense to me that he was asked to leave.

So, I can see that this reading this book is going to be a requirement for the next book. I just hope that the next book doesn’t end with a cliff hanger as well.
Rating: 5/10


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