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Archive for 'Female'

Whisper to the Blood

Whisper to the Blood (2009) Dana Stabenow The Park is still uneasy after the death of Louis Deem, and when a representative of a mining company comes in talking up a gold mine, things are stirred up even more. Residents are attacked and their supplies stolen, and people are starting to take matters into their […]

X-23: Innocence Lost

X-23: Innocence Lost (2006) Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost, Billy Tan, Jon Sibal I came across X-23 in NYX: Wannabe, and discovered that she had her own story arc. Since I liked the NYX stories so much, I decided to check out Innocence Lost. I have to say, this was surprisingly good. I’ve browsed different superhero […]

Tempest Rising

Tempest Rising (2009) Nicole Peeler Where to start with this book? First, the cover, which is what drew my attention. It’s got a manga Halloween feel to it, with snakes and tombstones and seals and a naked girl/woman with giant eyes. That’s not something you see every day. Excellent job there. Next, the story. Jane […]

A Grave Denied

A Grave Denied (2003) Dana Stabenow This is the book published right before where I entered the series (A Grave Denied), so I knew that at some point in this book a Bad Thing was going to happen to Kate. I was surprised when The Bad Thing happened quite early in the book. The area […]


Soulless (2009) Gail Carriger Alexia Tarabotti doesn’t have a soul. This isn’t a particularly well known fact, since the only people who can recognize this are the supernatural–vampires, werewolves etc. But when she is attacked by a vampire at a ball, she is (quite willingly) drawn into an intrigue, against the wishes of Lord Macon […]

A Fine and Bitter Snow

A Fine and Bitter Snow (2002) Dana Stabenow The Park (and Kate Shugak) are riled up when they discover that Dan O’Brian–the chief ranger of the park–is asked to leave by the new presidential administration. When two local environmentalists are attacked, Niniltna is thrown into an even greater uproar, wondering who in their community could […]

The Singing of the Dead

The Singing of the Dead (2001) Dana Stabenow A native woman is running for state senator, and after multiple threatening notes, the staff decided that she needs security. Despite her better judgment (and in need of money) Kate takes the job, even though she intensely dislikes the campaign manager (and the feeling is mutual.) I […]

Midnight Come Again

Midnight Come Again (2000) Dana Stabenow Last year I picked up A Taint in the Blood and thoroughly enjoyed it. But from details mentioned in the book, wasn’t sure if I wanted to go back and read earlier in the series. However, I discovered that Midnight Come Again is set after her lover is brutally […]

Rosemary and Rue

Rosemary and Rue (2009) Seanan McGuire October Daye disappeared for thirteen years. When she returned, she refused to return to her life as a changeling knight or as a private investigator, but is instead trying to squeak by as a human. Unfortunately for her, Faerie refuses to let her go. The Faerie from which Toby […]

Devil Bones

Devil Bones (2008) Kathy Reichs Tempe is back in Charlotte NC, teaching and working for the local medical examiner. The discovery of a human skull in the basement of a house being renovated leads to rumors about satanic cults. Unfortunately for everyone involved, events spiral out of control from there. First things first. I am […]

Bones to Ashes

Bones to Ashes (2007) Kathy Reichs Tempe Brennan is back in Montreal for the summer. But almost as soon as arrives she’s called about a case waiting for her. First things first, I have had it with Tempe and Ryan. Really, I would just as soon not read another word about the relationship. Aside from […]

Break No Bones

Break No Bones (2006) Kathy Reichs Tempe Brennan is teaching a special summer anthropology course and running a dig in Charleston, South Carolina when her students discover bones that are not ancient, but are instead relatively fresh–a corpse that’s appeared in the last decade instead of the last millennium. Things get even more complex when […]


Vanish (2005) Tess Gerritsen Two things about Vanish. First, it was good–a well written, well paced story. Second, I didn’t like it. No, those two things are not mutually exclusive. I can recognize that something is good without enjoying it, and that was my issue with Vanish. My second major issue is ‘What the hell […]

A Deeper Sleep

A Deeper Sleep (2007) Dana Stabenow Kate Shugak has been helping the state build a case against Louis Deem. According to everyone in the park, deep has gotten away with murder several times, but his good looks and reputation (and threats from his friends) have gotten him off time and time again, and the women […]

Body Double

Body Double (2004) Tess Gerritsen At some point in the recent past I apparently lost my mind and picked up several mysteries–none of which were the first in the series. However, unlike Dana Stabenow‘s A Taint in the Blood, I didn’t realize for quite awhile there were previous books in the series. I believe this […]

Cross Bones

Cross Bones (2005) Kathy Reichs There’s been a strange convergence of events that Cross Bones seems to have finished off. I finished reading A Short History of Myth and write my review, and then a group of friends starts discussing Easter and the events and the celebration and the meaning etc. Then I read the […]

A Taint in the Blood

A Taint in the Blood (2004) Dana Stabenow I’m always on the lookout for new mysteries–especially ones I think my grandmother will enjoy. I’ve read two supernatural mystery series edited by Dana Stabenow, so I decided to pick up one of her books. As you have probably noticed, I prefer to start at the beginning […]

Monday Mourning

Monday Mourning (2004) Kathy Reichs Tempe is back in Montreal, and back to having problems with Andrew Ryan. (sigh) Bones are discovered under a pizza parlor, and although Tempe thinks they may be recent, she’ll have to prove they aren’t a century old before the police will investigate how three very young women ended up […]

Bare Bones

Bare Bones (2003) Kathy Reichs The story starts with Tempe identifying bones found in a wood stove as those of a newborn, and taking upon herself the unfortunate task of going to identify the grandfather of the probable identity of child. Although Tempe is hoping to leave for her long delayed vacation with Andrew Ryan […]

Grave Secrets

Grave Secrets (2002) Kathy Reichs Tempe is is Guatemala working to recovery the bodies of “the Disappeared” who were kidnapped and/or killed during the Guatemalan civil war. Not only is the work itself depressing, but two of her co-workers are attacked, and upon discovering her previous work, ask her to assist in the recovery of […]

Fatal Voyage

Fatal Voyage (2001) Kathy Reichs This time Tempe finds herself in the North Carolina woods helping with the recovery of a plane crash. The forensics this time were about recovering bodies from a terrible accident, and the procedures used not only in the chain of evidence, but also to put the remains of the victims […]

Deadly Decisions

Deadly Decisions (1999) Kathy Reichs Tempe is finishing her final exams and teaching her workshop at Quantico when she receives a call from Montreal asking her to come back to work early, as they received a case requiring her expertise. These bombing victims and the death of a nine year old girl caught in the […]

Death Du Jour

Death Du Jour (1999) Kathy Reichs At the start of Death Du Jour Tempe Brennan finds herself searching for the dirt floor of a church for the bones of a woman who may or may not be a saint. She’s enjoying the historical archeology as a change from the murders, suicides and accidental deaths she […]

Deja Dead

Deja Dead (1997) Kathy Reichs Kathy Reiches was recommended to me by Ms Bookish, who (during my Great Book Giveaway) sent two later books in the series along for my grandmother. Reading those books piqued my interest, however, I really prefer to read a series in order if at all possible, so decided to pick […]

Girl Genius Vol 7: Agatha Heterodyne and the The Voice of the Castle

Girl Genius Vol 7: Agatha Heterodyne and the The Voice of the Castle (2008) Phil Foglio, Kaja Foglio, Cheyenne Wright It’d been so long since the last Girl Genius volume came out, I’d all but forgotten about it. So I was very excited when my copy of Agatha Heterodyne and the The Voice of the […]

Silent in the Grave

Silent in the Grave (2007) Deanna Raybourn To say that Silent in the Grave annoyed me would be a vast understatement. This book had tons of high recommendations, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why. First, the heroine, who is supposed to be intelligent, tends towards sheer idiocy. Sure, she’s well […]

Girl Genius Vol 6: Agatha Heterodyne and the Golden Trilobite

Girl Genius Vol 6: Agatha Heterodyne and the Golden Trilobite (2007) Phil & Kaja Foglio When we last left Agatha, she was possessed by the spirit of her mother, who seems to have plans to take over the world. Gil still thinks Agatha is dead, and the Circus of Adventure has not yet decided how […]

Girl Genius Vol 4: Agatha Heterodyne and the Circus of Dreams

Girl Genius Vol 4: Agatha Heterodyne and the Circus of Dreams (2006) Phil & Kaja Foglio I got lucky and the next Girl Genius came today (well, volumes 4 and 6 arrived. 5 should be here tomorrow.) I ended up tearing through volume 4–so much for drawing things out. Of course as soon as I […]

Girl Genius Vol 3: Agatha Heterodyne and the Monster Engine

Girl Genius Vol 3: Agatha Heterodyne and the Monster Engine (2004) Phil & Kaja Foglio Now that Agatha is settling into Castle Wulfenbach, she is beginning to come to terms with her abilities. Now, she must learn about her heritage, and how her skills and her family’s past will change her life. We also see […]

Girl Genius Vol 2: Agatha Heterodyne and the Airship City

Girl Genius Vol 2: Agatha Heterodyne and the Airship City (2004) Phil & Kaja Foglio After being taken prisoner by the Baron Wulfenbach, Agatha is now living on Castle Wulfenback, and despite her anger, is slowly becoming friends with Gil. She also meets the other kids who live on Castle Wulfenbach, some of who are […]

Girl Genius Vol 1: Agatha Heterodyne and the Bettleburg Clank

Girl Genius Vol 1: Agatha Heterodyne and the Bettleburg Clank (2002) Phil & Kaja Foglio I came across the Girl Genius comic online, and got completely sucked in. After reading a good bit from the start of the story, I realized that I could purchase this in actual book format, which would be 1) easier […]

And Only to Decieve

And Only to Deceive (2005) Tasha Alexander The deception in this book? The text, “A Novel of Suspense.” I’ve been in the mood for historical mysteries, and so when this one came up recommend on Amazon–and on sale–I decided to try it. My feelings when reading this book kept swinging between annoyance and hopeful interest. […]

Point of Honour

Point of Honour (2003) Madeleine E. Robins Point of Honour is a mystery novel set in Regency London. Sarah Tolerance is a Fallen woman, and as such she has few venues open to her that would allow her to make a living. The most common “career” for a fallen woman was prostitution, and indeed Sarah’s […]

The Serpent’s Shadow

The Serpent’s Shadow (2001) Mercedes Lackey Myra Witherspoon is half-Indian and half-English, and has followed in her father’s footsteps to become a doctor. Unfortunately for her, both her race and her gender work against her, in a society where women are still little more than possessions, and India remains a British colony. It is her […]

Winter Moon

Winter Moon (2005) Mercedes Lackey, Tanith Lee, and C.E. Murphy Winter Moon contains three novellas all centered around the moon: Moontide by Mercedes Lackey, The Heart of the Moon by Tanith Lee, and Banshee Cries by C.E. Murphy. Moontide and Heart of the Moon are traditional fantasies, while Banshee Cries is an urban fantasy set […]


Sunshine (2003) Robin McKinley I picked this book up for two reasons. First, because I liked the cover, and second, because of the quote by Neil Gaiman. Yes, I know lots of people who love Robin McKinley’s writing, and yes the blurb looked interesting, but the cover and the blurb were enough to keep me […]

The Grand Tour

The Grand Tour (2004) by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer If you’ve already read Sorcery and Cecelia, then you’ll need little or no encouragement to pick up The Grand Tour. Cousins Kate and Cecelia are taking the grand tour of Europe on their honeymoons. Within almost no time, they are caught up in intrigue […]

The Golden Key

The Golden Key (1996) Melanie Rawn, Jennifer Roberson, Kate Elliot At 889 pages, The Golden Key is a very long book. Admittedly, I have not had a lot of time for reading, but even so, more than a week for me to read a book is really slow. Part of the reason is that the […]

Murder by Magic

Murder by Magic (2004) edited by Rosemary Edghill I love fantasy, and I love mysteries, so I figured that this should be a great short story collection. After all, I’ve read some excellent fantasy mysteries recently, such as those written by Charlaine Harris and Simon R. Green. This collection, however, was a mixed bag. For […]

Sorcery & Cecelia -OR- The Enchanted Chocolate Pot

Sorcery & Cecelia -OR- The Enchanted Chocolate Pot (1988) Patricia C. Wrede & Caroline Stevermer After putting down a book that looked promising but I found only annoying after the first several chapters, I picked up Sorcery & Cecelia, which I’d put on my wish list because I thought it looked interesting. I thought that […]


The Novels of Tiger and Del Sword-Dancer (1986), Sword-Singer (1988), Sword-Maker (1989), Sword-Breaker (1991), Sword-Born (1998), Sword-Sworn (2002) by Jennifer Roberson I am quite fond of the first book in this series, Sword-Dancer. I like the characters, I like the writing, and I like the story. I particularly like Tiger, who sounds quite a bit […]

The Onion Girl

The Onion Girl by Charles de Lint The only author I possibly like more than Steven Brust, is Charles de Lint. There is nothing he has written that I have not liked, and most of what he has written I really love. Despite that, and despite buying this book over a year ago, I had […]