Random (but not really)

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Books of December

Paladin's FaithSomewhat anti-climatic after my end-of-the-year roundup, but here it is anyway: the books I read in December.

Multiple new reads here–including two audio-first books. (I almost never listen to audio books I haven’t already read.) It most likely worked because I had a lot of organization and cleaning and sorting I needed to do.

So yay for T. Kingfisher! But it was weird hearing Khristine Hvam narrate something that wasn’t by Faith Hunter. Clocktaur War series by T. Kingfisher

Great entries into Richard Osman‘s Thursday Murder Club series and Stephen Spotswood‘s Pentecost & Parker series.

I was expecting to love The Last Devil to Die , but I’d put off reading Secrets Typed in Blood because I wasn’t certain I was in the mood for it.

Murder on the Lamplight Express

There were also great continuations of fantasy series I’ve been reading. Morgan Stang’s books aren’t going to be for everyone, but I quite enjoyed them. And of course I read the latest Saint of Steel book as soon as it came out.



Clockwork Boys


Audio Books


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