
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

They Do It With Mirrors

Friday, May 22, 2020

They Do It With Mirrors (1952) Agatha Christie (Miss Marple)

They Do It With MirrorsWhen asked by an old school friend, Miss Marple visits Stoneygates to check that everything is fine with her friend Carrie Louise.

“Me?” exclaimed Miss Marple. “Why me?”

“Because you’ve got a nose for that sort of thing. You always had. You’ve always been a sweet innocent looking creature, Jane, and all the time underneath nothing has ever surprised you, you always believe the worst.”

So off she goes, to visit a friend she hadn’t seen in decades.

(W)hen one lives in the same country there is no need to arrange meetings with old friends. One assumes that, sooner or later, one will see them without contrivance. Only, if you move in different spheres, that does not happen.

What is different about this story from earlier ones is that Miss Marple is dealing with her contemporaries rather than nieces and nephews and godchildren.

“They all fuss about me so,” she said. “They rub it in that I’m an old woman.”

“And you don’t feel like one.”

“No, I don’t, Jane. In spite of all my aches and pains— and I’ve got plenty. Inside I go on feeling just a chit like Gina. Perhaps everyone does. The glass shows them how old they are and they just don’t believe it. It seems only a few months ago that we were at Florence.

This isn’t one of my favorites–never has been. It’s not that there’s anything particularly wrong, it’s just not as good as some of the other stories.

Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Rating: 7.5/10


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