
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Magpie Lord

Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Magpie Lord (2013) KJ Charles (A Charm of Magpies)

the magpie lord

I can’t bear it. He’d never said the words in thirty-seven years, not even in the times of hunger and degradation. He wanted to say them now.

Merrick frowned. “Got to fight it, my lord.”

“Fight what? Give me something to fight, and I’ll fight it— but how the hell do I fight my own mind?”

Crane looked at the naked hostility in the other man’s face and posture, and strolled to a conclusion, since he hardly needed to jump.

“I take it you’ve encountered my brother, Hector,” he said. “Or possibly my father.”

“Both.” The little man spat the word out. “Oh, I’ve encountered your family alright. It’s something of an irony to be sent to help one of you.”

“Have you seen the mummies at the British Museum?”

“The Egyptian ones? No, not yet. But they have a similar thing in China.”

“Did you ever imagine if they started moving? Withered hands reaching towards you and sunken eyes staring?”

“I didn’t, but now I know what I’ll be dreaming about tonight.”

Publisher : KJC Books

Rating: 8/10


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