
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

A Case of Possession

Saturday, May 29, 2021

A Case of Possession (2014) KJ Charles (A Charm of Magpies)

a case of possession

“An honest mandarin.”

There was a dubious murmur at that. Most of those present regarded bribery as something between a handy tool and a form of tax; none of them had high opinions of mandarins of any nationality.

“I beg your pardon,” he began, and then recoiled at his master’s appearance. “What happened to you?”

“Blame Leo. She bled all over me.”

“That’s the Hawkes and Cheney suit!” said Merrick, outraged. “I’ll never get that stain out.”

“I’ll bleed more carefully next time,” Leonora assured him.

Publisher: KJC Books

Rating: 8/10


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