
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Requiem for Mr. Busybody

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Requiem for Mr. Busybody (2020) Josh Lanyon

Requiem for Mr. BusybodyAaaaand… I accidentally reread this as well.

Michael spends a lot of time watching his neighbors. He has large windows, and since he doesn’t go out often, it gives him something to do.

I usually woke up at about five-thirty and dealt with all the stuff that was now a regular part of my life: checking for pressure sores, using the toilet, showering— it all takes time, time and transfers— working out, having breakfast, and then finally settling down to work, remembering to take a couple of minutes every half hour to stretch or shift position or use my standing frame.

So when he doesn’t see his neighbor Maurice for several days, he is concerned enough to call his ex–a detective–to see if someone can do a check.

Like the other story I just finished, it has taken Michael time to come to terms with how his life has changed.

I’d been in excruciating pain for a long time, and pain, chronic pain, changes you. Destroys your perspective. Destroys self-perception. I’d felt rushed to accept something I wasn’t ready to accept.

There were two things I particularly liked. One was that we were seeing him when he is at a point where he can make choices for his future.

Or maybe it was that he helped me realize I had no idea how my life had turned out because my life wasn’t over.

The other is the way the mystery worked out. I love a mystery where things aren’t what you would normally expect.

Publisher: JustJoshin Publishing, Inc

Rating: 7.5/10


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