
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

They Do It With Mirrors

Sunday, November 6, 2022

They Do It With Mirrors (1952) Agatha Christie (Miss Marple)

They Do It With Mirrors

Something about this book has never quite worked for me.

I never quite feel I have a handle on anything, and some of the characters melt into each other.

The mystery itself is interesting, but getting to the solution just felt a little off.

The heart of the story is money.

A man who with shrewd business acumen and perfect honesty had built up a fortune so colossal that really philanthropy had been the only solution to the disposal of it.

“No, I think I last saw Carrie Louise in 1928.

“They all fuss about me so,” she said. “They rub it in that I’m an old woman.”

“And you don’t feel like one.”

“No, I don’t, Jane. In spite of all my aches and pains— and I’ve got plenty. Inside I go on feeling just a chit like Gina. Perhaps everyone does. The glass shows them how old they are and they just don’t believe it. It seems only a few months ago that we were at Florence.”

Rating: 7/10


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