
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

A Caribbean Mystery

Monday, December 5, 2022

A Caribbean Mystery (1964) Agatha Christie (Miss Marple)

A Caribbean MysteryThe story that started my love of Miss Marple.

A Caribbean Mystery TV StillI saw this (I was probably babysitting) and immediately went, “It’s AJ Simon! What is this?”

And then I fell in love with Helen Hayes and Miss Marple.

“As far as I can make out,” said Miss Marple, “and from what I have heard and read, a man who does a wicked thing like this and gets away with it the first time, is, alas, encouraged. He thinks it’s easy, he thinks he’s clever. And so he repeats it.”

I don’t remember much about watching the show, but I do still love the book.

“He’ll look after the house all right. He’s very house proud. He’s a queer. I mean—”

He had paused, slightly embarrassed— but surely even dear old Aunt Jane must have heard of queers.

Miss Marple is just so so so lovely.

Dancing, lights, the music of a band (even a steel band), all that surely was for youth. But where was youth? Studying, she supposed, at universities, or doing a job— with a fortnight’s holiday a year. A place like this was too far away and too expensive. This gay and carefree life was all for the thirties and the forties— and the old men who were trying to live up (or down) to their young wives. It seemed, somehow, a pity.

“I realize, too, that Mr. Rafiel is privileged, or thinks he is.”

“What do you mean— privileged?” asked Mr. Rafiel.

“To be rude if you want to be rude,” said Miss Marple.

“Have I been rude?” said Mr. Rafiel, surprised. “I’m sorry if I’ve offended you.”

“You haven’t offended me,” said Miss Marple, “I make allowances.”

“Now, don’t be nasty.”

Publisher: William Morrow

Rating: 9/10


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