
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Two Feet Under

Monday, March 18, 2024

Two Feet Under (2018) Charlie Cochrane (Lindenshaw Mysteries)

Two Feet Under

Grace had no time for television crime dramas and the way they played fast and loose with crime scenes and forensic matters. Shoddy procedures and the depiction of seemingly limitless budgets; both riled her.

“God, that would be awful. They must be twitching each time the phone rings or the doorbell goes. Like she dies again every day, if that makes any sense.”

“She says he can pack a bag and hit the road.”

“But surely she gave some sort of explanation?”

“Apparently, she said that if he didn’t know what he’d done, she wasn’t going to tell him.”


“When did this start?” Pru asked.

“Hundreds if not thousands of years ago, although not—obviously—this particular racket.”

Publisher: Riptide Publishing

Cover Art by L.C. Chase

Rating: 7,5/10


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