
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Where There’s a Kilt, There’s a Way

Friday, April 5, 2024

Where There’s a Kilt, There’s a Way (2021) Ella Stainton (Kilty Pleasures)

Set in Scotland and Sweden in 1930

(I)t gave Joachim a place where he could pay rent instead of sponging off his lover and not have to ask to borrow Ainsley’s motorcar. Not that Ainsley minded—he never seemed put out to share at all—but Joachim hated being the relationship’s poorer half.

Joachim was pleased that there was a university happy to extend an offer to Ainsley after all of the rejections. So relieved, he’d hardly sighed when he declined the invitation to lecture at the Sorbonne for the summer term as they hadn’t wished to include Ainsley.

“I do hate to repeat gossip.” Joachim had lived long enough that this was the favored caveat of gossips worldwide.

Publisher: Carina Press

Rating: 7.5/10


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