
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

One Corpse Too Many

Saturday, June 1, 2024

One Corpse Too Many (1979) Ellis Peters (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #2)

One Corpse Too ManySet in England in 1138.

This is set with the civil war between King Stephen and Empress Maud in the forefront of the story.

In this early summer of 1138 the fratricidal strife, hitherto somewhat desultory, was already two years old, but never before had it approached Shrewsbury so closely. Now its threat hung over castle and town like the shadow of death.

During this, a teen falls into Cadfael’s care.

“I’m a burden to anyone who befriends me now, and likely to be a hunted hostage as soon as I’m missed from where I should be. Even to you, Brother Cadfael, I could be dangerous. I’m daughter to FitzAlan’s chief ally and friend. My name is Godith Adeney.”

“I hope,” he said cautiously, “I never do anything without due thought—even if the thought sometimes has to shift its feet pretty briskly to keep up with the deed.”

Characters: Abbot Heribert, Adam Courcelle, Aline Siward, Anselm, Louis, Bishop Roger of Salisbury, Cadfael, Paul, Edric Flesher, Father Elias, Gilbert Prestcote, Giles Siward, Godith Adeney, Hugh Beringar, King Stephen, Lame Osbern, Nicholas Faintree, Petronilla, Torold Blund, Ulf, Willem Ten Heyt

Publisher: Road

Rating: 9/10


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