
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Where Shadows Dance, Audiobook

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Where Shadows Dance, Audiobook (2011) C.S. Harris narrated by Davina Porter (Sebastian St. Cyr #6)

Where Shadows DanceSet in London in 1812

When Paul Gibson purchases his latest cadaver for research, he discovers the young man, Alexander Ross, did not die of a weak heart, but was instead murdered. Unable to report the discovery that his stolen corpse was murdered, Gibson turns to Sebastian for help.

Additionally, Hero has reluctant agreed to marry Sebastian, and both realize the marriage of the daughter of Lord Jarvis to a man who considers Jarvis one of his worse enemies, is going to be complicated (to say the least).

Characters: Sebastian St. Cyr (Devlin), Alistair St. Cyr (Hendon), Sir Henry Lovejoy, Kat Boleyn, Tom, , Paul Gibson, Charles Lord Jarvis, Hero Jarvis, Henrietta Dowager Duchess of Claiborne, Jules Calhoun, William Franklin, Sir Hyde Foley, Madame Champagne, Antoine De La Rocque, Colonel Dimitri Ivanovich Chernishav, Antonaki Ramadani, Carl Lindquist, Sabrina Cox, Jasper Cox, Yasmina Ramadani

Publisher: Recorded Books

Rating: 8.5/10


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