
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Archive for 'Fantasy'

American Gods

American Gods (2001) Neil Gaiman It’s the 10th anniversary of American Gods, so after seeing everyone write so much about it, I decided I needed to reread it. It’s still awesome.

Agatha H and the Airship City

Agatha H and the Airship City a Girl Genius Novel (2011) Phil and Kaja Foglio I stumbled across Girl Genius in 2007, and was immediately hooked. Phil and Kaja Foglio publish the Girl Genius comic online twice a week, and then publish a compilation graphic novel approximately once a year. Which is totally not frequently […]

Shades of Milk and Honey

Shades of Milk and Honey (2010) Mary Robinette Kowal Oddly, Shades of Milk and Honey is in some ways a parallel to Under Heaven, only set in an alternate England instead of an alternate China. I also wish I had not read this immediately following Under Heaven–I should have read a thriller or a detective […]

Under Heaven

Under Heaven (2010) Guy Gavriel Kay A new Guy Gavriel Kay book is like a small discovered treasure, something to be saved until a time when it can be enjoyed and savored. Some books I love because they are romps, others because they are long slow strolls through another place and time. With that in […]

This Side of the Grave

This Side of the Grave (2011) Jeaniene Frost The head of the ghouls is fomenting trouble, claiming that Cat is involved in an attempt to subjugate the entire supernatural world, and if they don’t take care of her now, they’ll end up her (and the vampire’s) slaves. Unfortunately, some of Cat’s unique abilities and needs […]

Magic Slays

Magic Slays (2011) Ilona Andrews I’m starting to get nervous. We’re reaching the part of the series where it feels as if we are beginning to build to the final confrontation. Which often means cliff hanger endings. And I hate cliff hanger endings. But so far so good. Kate and Curran are (sort of) luxuriating […]

House of Mystery Vol 6: Safe as Houses

House of Mystery Vol 6: Safe as Houses (2011) Matthew Sturges, Luca Rossi, Werther Dell Edera, Jose Marzain Jr I was intrigued by the first volume of House of Mystery, and the subsequent volumes were also interesting, but this volume fell flat for me. I think the primary reason was that–for me–the best parts of […]


Nightside (1989) Mercedes Lackey Diana Tregarde and Andre are investigating a terrible something that is eating the souls of it’s victims. Another disappointment. Rating: 5/10

Satanic, Versus

Satanic, Versus (1990) Mercedes Lackey As with the previous Diana Tregarde short story I got, it was ultimately disappointing. Diana and Andre go to a romance convention masquerade and trouble happens. I think that the root of the story would have been interesting if it hadn’t been wrapped in the romance convention package. That simply […]

Bitter Gold Hearts

Bitter Gold Hearts (1988) Glen Cook The second book in the Garrett PI series finds Garrett at loose ends–and not particularly wanting to take another job, however, a beautiful fairy makes him an offer he really should–but won’t–refuse. To look into the kidnapping of the son of the local Stormwarden–and hopefully get things resolved before […]

The Secret History of Fantasy

The Secret History of Fantasy (2010) edited by Peter S. Beagle This is an interesting collection of short stories, by some very good authors. I can’t say all the stories were to my taste, but they were all very good. The anthology opens with “Ancestor Money” by Maureen F. McHugh which is a story of […]

Lark and Wren

Lark and Wren (1992) Mercedes Lackey I read a LOT of Mercedes Lackey when I was in my 20s. Then, several years ago (and several years after I’d fallen off reading Mercedes Lackey) I all but stopped reading epic/high fantasy. Was there a single reason? Not really. The fact that high fantasy books tended to […]

Killer Byte: A Diana Tregarde Short Story

Killer Byte: A Diana Tregarde Short Story (1994) Mercedes Lackey A really long time ago–a lifetime ago it sometimes feels like–I read the Diana Tregarde books. And was quite disappointed when Mercedes Lackey stopped writing them. But as I didn’t have ready access to MZB’s Fantasy Magazine, I missed all the short stories. So when […]

Necromancer: A Novella

Necromancer: A Novella (2011) Lish McBride One of the things I’m coming to adore about the Kindle (and there are many) is authors can put up short stories and novellas–for free!–to give you an introduction to their work. Which is how I ended up downloading “Necromancer: A Novella” because who is opposed to a free […]

The Thief

The Thief (1996) Megan Whalen Turner My friend Natalie has been pushing me for quite awhile to read this book. However, I haven’t been in the mood to read much in the way of fantasy, so although I bought the books months ago, it sat unread on my shelf, until last time I saw her […]

Uncertain Allies

Uncertain Allies (2011) Mark de Franco This is the fifth book in the Connor Grey series. Boston–especially the Weird–is still reeling from the events in the past book (and seemingly doing little to recover from the destruction). Connor is now infamous for his participation in several catastrophic events, and doesn’t seem to receive much of […]

The Iron Khan

The Iron Khan (2010) Liz Williams I stumbled across The Snake Agent in 2007, and since then have eagerly bought books in the Detective Inspector Chen series whenever they came out. However, at some point finding those books was getting to be more and more difficult. Scuttlebutt has it that Night Share Books (the original […]

A Matter of Magic

A Matter of Magic (2010): Mairelon the Magician (1991) and The Magician’s Ward (1997) Patricia Wrede Kim is almost too old to pass for a boy, which means that when she is offered a significant sum of money simply to break into a magician’s wagon to see if a silver bowl is kept there, she […]

Fables Vol 15: Rose Red

Fables Vol 15: Rose Red (2011) Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha, Inaki Miranda, Andrew Pepoy, Dan Green Last we saw Rose Red she was slowly destroying herself after losing Boy Blue. Her lack of presence on The Farm means that things with Geppetto are spiraling out of control, while the Fables from Fabletown fight […]

Full Moon City

Full Moon City (2010) edited by Darrell Schweitzer and Martin H Greenberg I love anthologies. Though I have to admit that with the way paranormal romance has taken off, the ratio of wheat to chaff has been unfavorable for me. However, Carrie Vaughn and Peter S. Beagle were pretty compelling reasons to get this anthology. […]

Cold Copper Tears

Cold Copper Tears (1988) Glen Cook Garrett isn’t looking to take any work. Unfortunately, a beautiful woman charms her way through Dean and asks Garrett to take her case. He doesn’t want the work, so passes it along to someone else, but soon someone else–a high church official is asking Garrett to take on a […]

Chew Vol 1: Taster’s Choice

Chew Vol 1: Taster’s Choice (2009) John Layman and Rob Guillory Tony Chu is a Cibopath. When he eats something, he gets impressions of the past (and even present) of whatever he eats. Which makes meat really unappealing, since he can see the last moments of the animal before it was slaughtered or even as […]

Muse and Reverie

Muse and Reverie (2009) Charles de Lint The last Newford short story collection was in 2002, so it was quite a wait for this fifth collection. In the interim of course, he has had stories in a variety of anthologies, many of which I have, some of which I picked up solely because he had […]

Late Eclipses

Late Eclipses (2011) Seanan McGuire Apparently the beginning of March is THE time for new releases. I received a TON of books I’d had on pre-order this week, and had a very difficult time deciding what I wanted to read first. C. S. Harris and Rob Thurman won that decision hands down. Additionally, I started […]


Blackout (2011) Rob Thurman I. Love. Rob. Thurman. There it is. I’m tempted to never ever learn anything about her personal life for fear she’ll one day go all Orson Scott Card on me, and if I lost these books the way I lost Ender’s Game, I believe I would be mortally crushed. What is […]

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye (2005) Marjorie M. Liu I picked up my first Dirk & Steele book at a grocery store, when I realized I had a wait in front of me and absolutely nothing to read. I knew when I bought it that it was a paranormal romance, so managed to enjoy it despite the boinking. […]

The Gauntlet

The Gauntlet (2010) Karen Chance This is a short story that is also quite obviously an opening for a new historical paranormal romance, staring Kit Marlowe, vampire. It was a nice distraction while stuck in the car, but I have no interest in reading a series based on these characters, and the story was entirely […]


Masked (2010) edited by Lou Anders Masked is a collection of superhero stories by a variety of writers, many of whom are well known comic writers. Matthew Sturges, who writes House of Mystery, wrote the opening story, “Cleansed and Set in Gold.” …and I just ended up rereading the story when I flipped through to […]


Iorich (2009) Steven Brust Vlad is once again back in Dragaera City. Aliera has been arrested for practicing elder sorcery. Yes, she has been doing so for years, but so have many other people, none of whom has been arrested. Although Aliera has friends–many powerful friends–their positions in court and the stability of the empire, […]

General Winston’s Daughter

General Winston’s Daughter (2007) Sharon Shinn Averie is headed to Chiarrin, where her father and betrothed are with the army, which is currently seeking to make the area part of its empire. On the trip over Averie makes friends with Lieutenant Du’Kai, a Xan’tai member of the Aerberelle Army. This means only that as a […]

First Drop of Crimson

First Drop of Crimson (2010) Jeaniene Frost I actually really like Jeaniene Frost’s writing, and loved all of the Night Huntress books I’ve read so far, even the ones I picked up in trepidation, thinking, “this can’t possibly be anywhere nears as good as I’m remembering the earlier books in the series to be.” However, […]

Sweet Silver Blues

Sweet Silver Blues (1987) Glen Cook This was the second book I read on the Nook, but unlike the first, this is available in paper format, so if you don’t have an e-reader, you aren’t out of luck. Garrett is a private investigator and hero (read: survivor) of the Cantard wars. When a friend and […]

Under Her Skin

Under Her Skin (2009) Ilona Andrews, Jeaniene Frost, Meljean Brook So, this was the first full book I read on the Nook. I love Ilona Andrews and also really like Jeaniene Frost, so I figured I couldn’t go too wrong for three bucks. These are three short paranormal romances, focusing on shape shifters, but also […]

Silver Borne

Silver Bourne (2010) Patricia Briggs Every time I get a new Patricia Briggs book, I hesitate before reading it, afraid that this is the time she’ll let me down. That her previous books can’t be nearly as good as I remember them, and maybe this time I’ll be disappointed. I never am, but that doesn’t […]

Madame Xanadu: Broken House of Cards

Madame Xanadu Vol 3: Broken House of Cards (2011) Matt Wagner, Amy Reeder, Richard Friend, Joelle Jones I am really enjoying this series. I know there is a ton I am missing because I am not familiar with classic DC comic characters, but it doesn’t matter because they appear in the story as unknowns to […]

House of Mystery Vol 5: Under New Management

House of Mystery Vol 5: Under New Management (2011) Matthew Sturges, Luca Rossi, Jose Marzan Jr I think what I like best about the House of Mystery are the stories between the story. Like the House at World’s End, it’s full of tales and stories told by the visitors to the house, tales from other […]

Wild Hunt

Wild Hunt (2010) Margaret Ronald The sequel to Spiral Hunt finds Evie discovering that destroying the undercurrent’s power structure, while and good thing in and of itself, had unforseen repercussions. For one, some people now expect her to fill the void. For the other, if she doesn’t do it, someone else will. I quite liked […]

Mercy Blade

Mercy Blade (2011) Faith Hunter This is the third Jane Yellowrock novel, and I’m still thoroughly enjoying the story line. Jane has taken on the job of rogue hunter for the New Orleans’ vampire clans, and is in the process of emptying her apartment in Appalachia to move south when a news broadcast announces the […]

Cast in Chaos

Cast in Chaos (2010) Michelle Sagara I have a complicated relationship with this series. I cannot decide how I feel about the series, but I also can’t seem to stop reading it. This is the sixth book in Michelle Sagara West’s Cast series. Kaylin is still working with the Hawks and still in a complex […]

Tempest’s Legacy

Tempest’s Legacy (2011) Nicole Peeler First and foremost, this is a boinking book. There is less boinking than in the last book, and the boinking actually wasn’t superfluous but was instead important to the course of the story, but still. Boinking. So be aware. Jane True is back in Rockabill, trying to recover from the […]

The Good, the Bad, and the Uncanny

The Good, the Bad, and the Uncanny (2010) Simon R. Green John bloody Taylor is still in Nightside, just as appalling as ever. The Authorities are gone, replaced by the new Authorities; not necessarily kinder and gentler, but almost certainly less evil than the group they replaced. And Walker is dying. The man who was […]

The Babylonian Codex

The Babylonian Codex (2010) C.S. Graham I found this book quite frightening, not because it was particularly suspenseful, but because the political scenario described so very well could come true. Toby is asked to do a remote viewing to see if she can discover where some of the artifacts stolen during the looting at the […]


Wintersmith (2006) Terry Pratchett Oddly, I thought I’d read Wee Free Men, but apparently I hadn’t. I tend to be quite fond of young adult books, and Terry Pratchett is no exception; not that his adult books would be unacceptable for young adults, it’s simply Tiffany Aching is a Teenager. Tiffany is sent to learn […]

Girl Genius Vol 9: Agatha Heterodyne and The Heirs of the Storm

Girl Genius Vol 9: Agatha Heterodyne and The Heirs of the Storm (2010) Phil Foglio & Kaja Foglio Rating: 7/10 Published by Studio Foglio

Unseen Academicals

Unseen Academicals (2009) Terry Pratchett Although there were parts of this story that I loved, there were other parts I was less sure about–it may just have been my interpretation, but parts of it felt a little bit too heavy on the moralizing. But I loved Glenda. Rating: 7/10 Published by Harper

Firebirds Rising

Firebirds Rising (2006) edited by Sharyn November Huntress by Tamora Pierce Unwrapping by Nina Kiriki Hoffman The Real Thing by Alison Goodman Little (Grrl) Lost by Charles de Lint I’ll Give you My Word by Diana Wynn Jones In the House of the Seven Librarians by Ellen Klages Wintermoon Wish by Sharon Shinn The Wizards […]

Fables Vol 14: Witches

Fables Vol 14: Witches (2010) Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha, David Lapham, Jim Fern, Andrew Pepoy, Craig Hamilton Fabletown is a wreck, and as it is now inhabited by Mister Dark, it is completely inaccessible to the Fables, who have retreated to the Farm. The main characters of the first half of the volume […]

Ex Machina: Vol 10 Term Limits

Ex Machina: Vol 10 Term Limits (2010) Brian K Vaughan, Tony Harris, JD Mettler Last volume in the collection. I can’t decide if I’m extremely happy or ridiculously disappointed. Regardless, it’s over. Rating: Published by Wildstorm


Swordspoint: A Melodrama of Manners (1987) Ellen Kushner Why yes, I did just re-read Swordspoint. And it was good. Published by Bantam Rating: 10/10

The Amazing Screw-On Head

The Amazing Screw-On Head (2010) Mike Mignola I think that even for Mike Mignola this is a strange collection of stories. Amusing and interesting, yes, but also strange. The first story is about Screw-On Head, who is a head that screws into different bodies. Which is a fascinating idea. He’s sent out by President Lincoln […]