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Archive for 'Fantasy'

Cast in Silence

Cast in Silence (2009) Michelle Sagara Cast in Silence continues the story of Kaylin Neya, Private in the Hawk force, marked by Nightshade, and possessed of magical powers she has yet to learn to control. The forces that surround and imbue Elantra are slipping into chaos, and both Kaylin’s history and powers make her uniquely […]

Skin Deep

Skin Deep (2009) Mark del Franco Having enjoyed Mark del Franco’s Connor Grey supernatural mysteries, I pre-ordered Skin Deep hoping he would do as good a job writing a female lead as he did a male lead. The book came, but then I put of reading it primarily for the blurb on the cover, “She’ll […]

House of Mystery Vol 2: Love Stories for Dead People

House of Mystery Vol 2: Love Stories for Dead People (2009) Matthew Sturges, Luca Rossi, Jose Marzan Jr The story opens with some of Ann’s back story. We still don’t know what brought her to the House of Mystery, but we know some of what shaped her–and that she doesn’t come from our reality. Ann […]

Fables Vol 12: The Dark Ages

Fables Vol 12 The Dark Ages (2009) Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Peter Gross, Andrew Pepoy, Michael Allerd, David Hahn NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Rating: 9/10

House of Mystery: Vol 1 Room & Boredom

House of Mystery: Vol 1 Room & Boredom (2008) Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham, Luca Rossi We wandered into a Borders while we were in Denver, and I noticed House of Mystery: Room & Boredom becuase of Bill Willingham’s name across the top. I love Fables, so I’m willing to try anything he has a hand […]


Underground (2008) Kat Richardson I have got to start paying better attention when I pre-order books. I now have two copies of Underground. (sigh) Harper Blaine is a private investigator who was beaten to death several years previously. She was only dead for a few minutes, but she woke up a changed woman, and able […]

Vicious Circle

Vicious Circle (2006) Mike Carey Felix (Fix) Castor, who is usually at loose ends, is suddenly involved in three different cases. As a consultant in a police case, in a missing child case, and in assisting Juliet with a case she has taken on involving a haunted or possessed church. Additionally, he is still trying […]

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle

The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle (2008) Jim Butcher, Ardian Syaf Harry Dresden in comic form. First, the story was interesting and I liked it. There is a murder at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Although city officials would like to blame Moe the gorilla for the murder, Murphy calls Harry in because the crime […]


Jhegaala (2008) Steven Brust First things first, I love Steven Brust, and I love the Vlad Taltos books. That said, this is not anywhere close to being one of my favorite books in the series. Jhegalla is set between the events of Phoenix and Athyra. We learn some of what happened to Vlad after he […]

Darkness Calls

Darkness Calls (2009) Marjorie M. Liu As a disclaimer, I read much of this book on the plane, so that may have affected my opinion to some degree. Darkness Calls continues the story of Maxine Kiss. She is a Hunter who has inherited a fight against demons and the darkness. Unfortunately for her, it is […]

Runaways: Rock Zombies

Runaways: Rock Zombies (2009) Terry Moore, Takeshi Miyazawa, Christiana Strain First things first: Wha? The last two stories? Wha? This volume starts at the radio station where Chase has been working. Val has decided he wants to money and power and all that, so attempts to turn all of LA into zombies. And I have […]

Strange Brew

Strange Brew (2009) edited by P.N. Elrod I love short story collections. They’re a way to discover new authors, visit with favorite characters, and to be honest I just enjoy short stories. Now if you like short stories, you eventually learn that a lot of collections are not worth buying, but there are certain authors […]

The Seeress of Kell

The Seeress of Kell (1991) David Eddings The fifth book of the Mallorean and the tenth book about Belgarion finishes his story. Although David Eddings wrote three more books set in this world, they were books about the past–telling the stories of how Belgarath and Polgara became who they were. This books closes the story […]

Sorceress of Darshiva

Sorceress of Darshiva (1989) David Eddings Garion and company are continuing to move through Mallorea, and trying to avoid Urvon and Zandramas while figuring out where they need to go next. They spend time in Melcenea, where they discover not just where Zandramas has been and what she’s been doing, but also where they need […]

Demon Lord of Karanda

Demon Lord of Karanda (1988) David Eddings The third book of the Mallorean sees Garion and his company traveling through Mallorea. They meet ‘Zakath but even better, they also run into Yarblek and Vella. That’s the funny thing about this series. As a whole, I don’t like the story nearly as much as I like […]

King of the Murgos

King of the Murgos (1988) David Eddings Garion and his companions continue to search for Zandramas, who has stole Belgarion’s son. In the second book they travel again through Nyissa, and meet again with Salmissra, and travel through Cythol Murgos, where they meet King Urgit. I like Urgit–I don’t find him the slightest bit believable, […]

Guardians of the West

Guardians of the West (1987) David Eddings The first book of the Mallorean coversthe years following the events of the final book of the Belgariad. Errand, Polgara and Durnik move into Poledra’s cottage–after Belgarath helps them repair it–and we get to see some of Errand’s youth. Ce’Nedra and Garion have problems (not that this should […]

Enchanters’ Endgame

Enchanters’ Endgame (1984) David Eddings The Belgariad concludes with Enchanters’ Endgame. This is another of my favorite books, primarily because I love Garion and Belgarath and Silk traveling through Gar Og Nadrak. And Silk and Yarblek are perfect partners. But not only is it fun to see them travel through Gar Og Nadrak, I quite […]

Castle of Wizardry

Castle of Wizardry (1984) David Eddings The fourth book in David Edding’s Belgariad finds Garion and the rest of the company returning to Riva. Belgarath has collapsed from exhaustion, and events conspire to place Garion in command of the group. We also see him quickly developing his skills with the Will and the World, as […]

Magician’s Gambit

Magician’s Gambit (1983) David Eddings The third book in the Belgariad has never been my favorite. This book starts with Ce’Nedra’s point of view, and I just never really got Ce’Nedra and always found her annoying. Doesn’t mean the book isn’t good, just that I’m not a fan of Ce’Nedra’s or of reading her point […]

Queen of Sorcery

Queen of Sorcery (1982) David Eddings The cover is coming off my copy of the second book of the Belgariad, Queen of Sorcery. As with the previous book, the spine is bent and the corners are rounded, but like the first book it’s from multiple readings and being carried around and shoved into pockets and […]

Pawn of Prophecy

Pawn of Prophecy (1982) David Eddings I was given a used copy of The Belgariad series in college as part of a gift exchange where I worked. This was the series that returned me to being a reader and got me back into reading fantasy, which I hadn’t done since I was much younger. My […]

Buffy Season 8 Vol 3: Wolves at the Gate

Buffy Season 8 Vol 3: Wolves at the Gate (2008) Drew Goddard, Georges Jeanty, Joss Whedon We finally learn who kissed Buffy and woke her up. We also learn where Xander went after Sunnydale was destroyed, and someone wants Buffy’s scythe. (Not necessarily in that order.) I’m not sure how I feel about the story […]

Fables: 1001 Night of Snowfall

Fables: 1001 Night of Snowfall (2006) Bill Willingham Couldn’t decide what I wanted to read, so I decided to re-read 1001 Night of Snowfall, which is probably my favorite volume in the Fables series. This is a wonderful series, and if you have not read any of the Fables series, this is a wonderful place […]

Buffy Season 8 Vol 2: No Future for You

Buffy Season 8 Vol 2: No Future for You (2008) Brian K Vaughan, Georges Jeanty, Joss Whedon I wandered downstairs looking for something to read, and realized that I had never read the second volume of Buffy Season 8–and two volumes have come out since then. Volume two see the return of Faith, and what […]

Daemons Are Forever

Daemons Are Forever (2008) Simon R. Green That was thoroughly disappointing. I really like Simon R. Green’s writing style–I love the Nightside books and liked the first Eddie Drood book, The Man with the Golden Torc. The second Eddie Drood book, however, not so much. This book was all over the place, and it wasn’t […]

Last Watch

Last Watch (2009) Sergei Lukyanenko translated by Andrew Bromfield I’d been thinking recently about rereading Sergei Lukyanenko’s Night Watch series, so when I stumbled upon Last Watch, my first thought was, “Why the hell didn’t I know this was out?!” my second thought was that this was the excuse I needed to reread the Night […]

Twilight Watch

Twilight Watch (2003/2007) Sergei Lukyanenko translated by Andrew Bromfield Just finished re-reading Twilight Watch, the third book in the Night Watch series. Now I can start the new book in the series, and find out what Anton’s been up to. Published by Miramax Rating: 9/10

Day Watch

Day Watch (2000/2006) Sergei Lukyanenko translated by Andrew Bromfield Just re-read Day Watch. As with Night Watch, I found that I understood and enjoyed the book better the second time around. Especially since I understood where the first story was going. Published by Miramax Rating: 9/10

Night Watch

Night Watch (2006) Sergei Lukyanenko translated by Andrew Bromfield Been wanting to re-read this series for awhile. Discovering a fourth book in the series was just the push I needed. I liked it even better the second time through, mostly because I already understood what was happening, so I was able to pay more attention […]

Runaways: Dead Wrong

Runaways : Dead Wrong (2009) Terry Moore, Humberto Ramos, Christiana Strain, Dave Meikis Well. That was disappointing. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t horrible or anything, but it wasn’t the quality I’ve come to expect from Runaways. First, the review I read on Amazon was spot on–I really dislike the Humberto Ramos’ art. Some of […]

New Tricks

New Tricks (2008) John Levitt I really wanted to like this book. I enjoyed the first book, and was pleased when John Levitt came by to tell me I had misinterpreted something, which had affected my opinion of the book. The problem this time was that I knew quite quickly who the bad guy was. […]

The Graveyard Book

The Graveyard Book (2008) Neil Gaiman Nobody Owens lives in a graveyard. I’ve known this for quite awhile. You see, I read Neil Gaiman’s blog, and he’d been talking about The Graveyard Book long before he every got around to writing it. So I knew there would one day be a book about a boy […]

Making Money

Making Money (2007) Terry Pratchett I always love Terry Pratchett’s books. Which is why I’ll never understand why I put off reading them. My guess is that I want to save them for a time when I want a new book to read that I know is going to be good. And Discworld books always […]

Brimstone Kiss

Brimstone Kiss (2008) Carole Nelson Douglas I’ve had Brimstone Kiss on my shelves for awhile, but had put off reading it. Now I know why. The fastest way an author can piss me off is to leave me hanging at the end of a book. Guess what Carole Nelson Douglas did at the end of […]

On the Prowl

On the Prowl (2007) Patricia Briggs, Eileen Wilks, Karen Chance, Sunny Wow. Talk about a mixed bag. I read and thoroughly enjoyed the first two stories. I started the last two and thought, “meh.” But then realized that to review the book I had to finish all four stories. I should have trusted my first […]

A Kiss Before the Apocalypse

A Kiss Before the Apocalypse (2008) Thomas E. Sniegoski I first came across Remy Chandler when I read the anthology Mean Streets. Thomas Sniegoski wrote the closing story, and I ended up reading that story in a single sitting. Remy Chandler is a private detective. And an angel. Except that he’s been on extended leave […]

The Devil You Know

The Devil You Know (2006) Mike Carey “I don’t know what I want to read.” Peruses bookshelves. “I remember buying The Devil You Know, why haven’t I read it yet?” Reads first paragraph. “Hmmm….” Hours later. “Wow!” First off, I believe this was shelved in the mystery section, which is part of why I put […]

Spell Games

Spell Games (2009) T.A. Pratt I am annoyed. One of my least favorite things in the world is when a book ends with a major story arc unresolved, where you are left hanging to wait for the next book in the series. Guess what Tim Pratt did? Did I mention how much I hate it […]

The Devil’s Right Hand

The Devil’s Right Hand (2007) Lilith Saintcrow Dante Valentine has been living in Toscano with Japhrimel, slowly recovering from the events in Dead Man Rising. Unfortunately for her, relaxation and recovery are about to come to a screeching halt when she receives a summons from the Devil himself. This book had a very different feel […]

Small Favor

Small Favor (2008) Jim Butcher Nothing is ever easy for Harry Dresden. Just when it looks as if things have calmed down a bit, the Summer Court and the Winter Court both seem to want a piece of Harry (although not the same piece) and then the Denarians decide to mix things up as well. […]

Seven for a Secret

Seven for a Secret (2009) Elizabeth Bear I made a mistake about a year ago. I signed up for Subterranean Press‘s e-mail news letter. Why was this a mistake? Because they’re publishing an awful lot of fantasy that I want to own. My most recent arrival was Elizabeth Bear’s Seven for a Secret. Although Abagail […]

From Dead to Worse

From Dead to Worse (2008) Charlaine Harris For awhile there I was getting frustrated with Charlaine Harris while it seems as if Sookie was the most attractive and beguiling woman in the entire world and everyone wanted to boink her. Whatever. I don’t care if she is part fairy, things were just getting a bit […]

Dead Reign

Dead Reign (2008) T.A. Pratt When Marla stops the (not very sane) necromancer Ayers from animating a corpse, she sets into action a chain of events that will have her once again defending Felport from an invader, and learning more about the underworld than she ever wants to know. Hmm… Hard to come up with […]

Magic Strikes

Magic Strikes (2009) Ilona Andrews Now that Kate is working for the Order (and getting a steady paycheck) she’s working her butt off. A magic flare has caused trouble (as usual) and Kate gets to help deal with the upheaval. But when she goes to investigate the scene of the death of a shapeshifter, things […]

At Grave’s End

At Grave’s End (2009) Jeaniene Frost Cat and Bones are still working for Homeland Security, but Cat’s been working long enough that her disguise has worn thin–especially since Bones has become quite recognizable in the vampire world. To make things worse, Cat’s father is still looking for her, and doesn’t want a happy family reunion. […]

Dead Man Rising

Dead Man Rising (2006) Lilith Saintcrow Dante Valentine has been taking on case after case to try and forget what happened to her in Rio. Unfortunately for her, it’s not working. She and Jace are keeping busy–and she’s all but running Jace into the ground–but she still can’t keep Japh off her mind. Things get […]

One Foot in the Grave

One Foot in the Grave (2008) Jeaniene Frost It’s been four years since Cat walked away from Bones–four years that she’s been working for a special group in the FBI to deal with the undead. But her past is now coming back to haunt her–not just the fact that she still loves Bones, but also […]


Deathwish (2009) Rob Thurman This book too me far longer than I expected to finish. I started reading, and then decided it felt like the final book in the series, and that was followed by the thought, “this can’t end well,” (after all, consider the name of the book) so as much as I desperately […]

Promises to Keep

Promises to Keep (2007) Charles de Lint Charles de Lint said he wasn’t going to write about Jilly any longer–he’d already done plenty to her in The Onion Girl, and resolved things for her in Widdershins, but in Promises to Keep we get to go back to Jilly’s past. Not the terrible past, but the […]