
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Mystery of the Bones

The Mystery of the Bones (2019) C.S. Poe (Snow & Winter) Sebastian is mostly recovered from the events of the previous book. “Life isn’t all about money, Seb.” “You can say that. You don’t have a hospital bill the length of a CVS receipt.” Physically, if not financially, anyway. But he has sworn off mysteries. […]

The Mystery of the Moving Image

The Mystery of the Moving Image (2018) C.S. Poe (Snow & Winter) A lot has happened to Sebastian and Calvin, so they are ready for some calm and quiet. Of course they don’t get it. Someone sends Sebastian an old Kinetoscope–and some never-before-seen reels for it. “Hundred-twenty-year-old movie,” Max said with an astonished tone. “It’s […]

The Mystery of the Curiosities

The Mystery of the Curiosities (2017) C.S. Poe (Snow & Winter) Sebastian and Calvin are settling into their relationship. Calvin came out for Sebastian–and his family didn’t take it well. But the two are doing their best to make the relationship work. Except that someone throws a brick through the window of his store, asking […]

The Mystery of Nevermore

The Mystery of Nevermore (2016) C.S. Poe (Snow & Winter) Sebastian Snow’s relationship with his boyfriend has been circling the drain for years. But things come to a head and Sebastian is involved in a crime, and Neil’s only concern is to keep from being outed to his co-workers. “Where were you Sunday night?” Lancaster […]

The Gangster

The Gangster (2021) C.S. Poe (Magic & Steam) Set in Steampunk New York in 1882. Special Agent Gillian Hamilton of the Federal Bureau of Magic and Steam is back in New York, and hoping to spend New Years Eve with Gunnar the Deadly–who he met in the first book, when he was out west. A […]

New Game, Start

New Game, Start (2017) C.S. Poe This is a perfectly fine story. I just feel like it needed to be a lot longer for what happened, because what did occur happened so fast it was almost out of left field. I mean, it took place over the course of a week–and during that week they […]

Kneading You

Kneading You (2016) C.S. Poe (A Lancaster Story) Christopher Hughes desperately needs a job, and when the position of small town librarian opens up, he leaps at the opportunity. But the library is under threat, since a developer wants the land for a cell tower and shopping mall. “This library is not cost-effective. It’s really […]


Joy (2017) C.S. Poe (A Lancaster Story) The pandemic is about to get worse. The election is Tuesday. We hit a deer on the interstate and our car is now in the shop. Nothing by comfort reading for me right now. This story is just so adorable, it’s precisely what I needed. I noticed over […]

Love, Marriage, and a Baby Carriage

Love, Marriage, and a Baby Carriage (2016) C.S. Poe It’s been a rough couple days. I desperately needed something light and funny so I decided a reread of Love, Marriage, and a Baby Carriage was necessary. This is a short story, and currently you can’t find it anywhere, but OMG it is one of the […]

The Engineer

The Engineer (2020) C.S. Poe (Magic & Steam) Set in the American West in 1881. Gillian Hamilton is a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Magic and Steam–and a powerful magic user. He is sent out west to catch a renegade magic user, but runs into a completely different wanted man while on the […]

Color of You

Color of You (2017) C.S. Poe (A Lancaster Story) Bowen Merlin has moved to Lancaster in the middle of the school year to become the band director for the high and middle schools, after the previous teacher was fired. On of the first things he does, however, is dump apple cider all over the cutest […]


Joy (2017) C.S. Poe (A Lancaster Story) Another book I re-read becuase I needed more fluffy happy. Gideon Joy has bad luck. This time his bad luck is a moose. That he runs into with his car as he’s passing through a small town. I ran a hand through my hair and then pushed up […]

Kneading You

Kneading You (2019) C.S. Poe (A Lancaster Story) I needed some happy fluffy with outside conflict (not internal angst). Christopher Hughes is is applying for what he hopes will be his dream job–librarian in the small town to which he has moved. But a local businessman wants to tear down the building and put up […]

Love in 24 Frames

Love in 24 Frames (2019) C.S. Poe Declan Groves is a CPA who loves art, and rented a space in a studio to have the space to work on his stop-motion project. When one thinks of a “New York City artist,” they don’t envision a forty-eight-year-old man in a three-piece suit, strolling through the door […]

Color of You

Color of You (2017) C.S. Poe Bowen Merlin has moved to Lancaster NH to take a job for the county, as the music teacher and director for the high and middle schools. It’s a big change, to have moved from NYC, but he is excited about the change. And then he dumps hot apple cider […]

Joy (States of Love)

Joy (States of Love) (2017) C.S. Poe Gideon Joy is just plain unlucky. If it is possible for something in his life to go wrong, it does. Which is why he is depressed but unsurprising when he clips a moose driving through New Hampshire, wrecking his car AND the car of someone else. Since he’s […]

Southernmost Murder

Southernmost Murder (2018) C.S. Poe I’m beginning to think I should just go ahead and read everything CS Poe has written, because I’ve really liked everything I’ve read so far. Aubrey Grant runs an historical property in Key West–a job he does well, despite the regular inconveniences of his narcolepsy. He’s also looking forward to […]

Marriage, Love and a Baby Carriage

Marriage, Love and a Baby Carriage (2016) C.S. Poe Theodore Reinhart’s convention in San Diego is not what he was expecting. I was attending a singles’ convention for special people like me to find their forever penguin partner. But after I paid the attendance fee, got a hotel room, and booked my flight, I found […]

Kneading You

Kneading You (2019) C.S. Poe Christopher Hughes always wanted to live in a small town. With a degree in literature, he’s delighted to take a job taking over the local library and help it recover from years of neglect. Unfortunately, a local Selectman wants the property for a building project, so Christopher has a tiny […]

The Mystery of the Bones

The Mystery of the Bones (2019) C.S. Poe The fourth (and perhaps final) Snow & Winter book finds Sebastian trying to plan their wedding–and not particularly enjoying it. But he is determined it will be perfect, and that means following all the books and rules. “There’s a whole industry dedicated to specialized bras for wedding […]

The Mystery of the Moving Image

The Mystery of the Moving Image (2018) C.S. Poe After having been burned out of his apartment, Sebastian and Calvin are moving into a new place–together. And Sebastian is done with mysteries and putting himself in danger. Or he thinks he is, until a Thomas Edison Kinetoscope shows up at his shop. Calvin–although not healed–is […]

The Mystery of the Curiosities

The Mystery of the Curiosities (2017) C.S. Poe Sebastian and Calvin are making their relationship work. It’s hard for Calvin whose family won’t speak with him now, which is exacerbating the PTSD he won’t admit he has, but Sebastian is doing his best to make Calvin feel loved. And Calvin does his best to deal […]

The Mystery of Nevermore

The Mystery of Nevermore (2016) C.S. Poe Sebastian Snow runs an antique shop, has an in-the-closet copy boyfriend, and achromatopsia–he can’t see color and has other vision problems due to that. When he finds a body part in the floorboards of his store, he’s drawn into a mystery, initially against his will, but later with […]

Footsteps in the Dark

Footsteps in the Dark (2019) L.B. Gregg, Nicole Kimberling, Josh Lanyon, Dal MacLean, Z.A. Maxfield, Meg Perry, C.S. Poe and S.C. Wynne Entrée to Murder by Nicole Kimberling Twelve Seconds by Meg Perry Reality Bites by S.C. Wynne Blind Man’s Buff by L.B. Gregg A Country for Old Men by Dal Maclean Pepper the Crime […]