
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Phoenix Illusion, Audio Edition

The Phoenix Illusion, Audio Edition (2018) Lisa Shearin narrated by Johanna Parker (SPI Files) I’d forgotten that this story is a bit all over the place. It eventually gets where it’s going, but it seemed to wander places solely for Rake to shower Mac with presents. Aside from that tho. As much as I wanted […]

The Ghoul Vendetta, Audio Book

The Ghoul Vendetta (2017) Lisa Shearin narrated by Johanna Parker (SPI Files) My grandma Fraser had always told me I had “little dog syndrome”— small size, big attitude, delusions of toughness. I appreciated Ian’s training efforts in that area as well as hand-to-hand combat, but I’d pretty much gotten as good as I was going […]

The Brimstone Deception, Audio Book

The Brimstone Deception (2016) Lisa Shearin narrated by Johanna Parker (SPI Files) I didn’t envy Kylie her job right now. Actually, I’d never envied Kylie’s job. I was a horrible liar and even worse at hiding how I felt when around people I didn’t like. “Just know that if he ever hurts you—” “Honey, you’re […]

The Dragon Conspiracy, Audio Book

The Dragon Conspiracy (2015) Lisa Shearin narrated by Johanna Parker (SPI Files) (T)he sprinkles on the squashed cupcake of my evening. (S)omewhere a charmer was missing his snake. If you were smart, you lived your life and treated the people who were in your life— those who were important to you, those you loved— as […]

The Grendel Affair, Audio Book

The Grendel Affair (2014) Lisa Shearin narrated by Johanna Parker (SPI Files) Being able to clear a line of beer cans from an old washer would never save anyone’s life, and I’d never actually heard of a deer taking a hunter hostage and using him as a shield while being hoisted into a helicopter. So […]

The Gorgon Agenda

The Gorgon Agenda (2023) Lisa Shearin (SPI Files) I seem to have forgotten much of the previous book. But now I check the publication date, I bought it a the end of March 2021, so, yeah, that explains it. The Aegis–the mythical shield with Medeusa’s head head embedded in the center, has been stolen from […]

The Solstice Countdown

The Solstice Countdown (2021) Lisa Shearin (SPI Files) Mac and Rake are heading to North Carolina to spend Christmas with Mac’s family. Unfortunately, it looks like the cabal that wants to take out the SPI seers has followed Mac and is still trying to take her out. As with the previous book, the best parts […]

The Phoenix Illusion

The Phoenix Illusion (2018) Lisa Shearin The 6th SPI Files book finds Mac and and her friends celebrating when a house suddenly appears in an empty lot–and catches on fire. More distressingly, the house that appeared is Rake’s, and it’s from his homeworld (which isn’t Earth). First, Mac remains one of my favorite fictional law […]

The Myth Manifestation

The Myth Manifestation (2018) Lisa Shearin Our world is populated by a greater variety of creatures than we might imagine, from vampires and werewolves to goblins and dwarves and all variety of creatures considered mythical. For these creatures to hide in plain sight, a treaty was hammered out 100 years earlier, to keep fights that […]

The Brimstone Deception, Audio Version

The Brimstone Deception, Audio Version (2016) Lisa Shearin narrated by Johanna Parker This is a series that we both listen to on car trips. I generally try to get input as to what Michael wants to listen to (since he’s the driver) but generally it’s me picking a couple books and him choosing one of […]

The Ghoul Vendetta

The Ghoul Vendetta (2017) Lisa Shearin I adore this series. It’s so fun and enjoyable–despite all the ghouls and monsters. The nephew of a vampire lord is kidnapped at an elite yacht party Mac is attending with Rake (the wealthy goblin businessman and dark mage she’s sort-of dating, but still isn’t sure about.). This is […]

The Dragon Conspiracy, Audible Version

The Dragon Conspiracy, Audible Version (2015) Lisa Shearin, narrated by Johanna Parker This is another audio book I finished earlier in the fall and forgot to review. The second SPI files book finds Makenna and Ian at a Gala opening at the Met, displaying a collection of rare gems that will soon be up for […]

The Grendel Affair, Audible Version

The Grendel Affair, Audible version (2013/2014) Lisa Shearin, narrated by Johanna Parker This is a really fun series. Mac Frasier has moved from her little town in the south to New York City, but instead of making it as a reporter, she’s now working for SPI (Supernatural Protection & Investigations) when they discovered she was […]

The Brimstone Deception

The Brimstone Deception (2016) Lisa Shearin I really like this series. Makenna Fraser is a seer for the SPI–the government agency in charge of supernatural crimes (and seeing that the supernatural don’t come to the attention of the public). Her talent is a rare one, and the previous individuals to hold her job all died […]

Magic Lost, Trouble Found

Magic Lost, Trouble Found (2007) Lisa Shearin I came across Lisa Shearin through her SPI files, which I thoroughly enjoyed. So I decided I should probably look into checking out her Raine Benares. I then read a short story set in this world that was a prequel to the first book. It also was interesting, […]

  • June 30th, 2015
  • Categories: Fantasy