
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Fugitive Telemetry

Fugitive Telemetry (2021) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) The bag had lights but turning them on would just be stupid plus I didn’t really want to see what was happening. Targets Two and Four had been giving very convincing descriptions of their cargo route. Clearly they had taken some effort to get their stories straight. […]

Network Effect

Network Effect (2020) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) There is a protocol for meeting humans who are not clients but who are associated with clients, and that protocol will apply here. Before I can speak, Ratthi waves and says, “Hello, hello. Perihelion says you’ve disabled your governor module. I’m Ratthi, and this is Amena. Please […]

Exit Strategy

Exit Strategy (2018) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) In the shows, I saw humans comfort each other all the time at moments like this. I had never wanted that and I still didn’t. (Touching while rendering assistance, shielding humans from explosions, etc., is different.) But I was the only one here, so I braced myself […]

Rogue Protocol

Rogue Protocol (2018) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) The core cutter had powered up and accessed my feed to deliver a canned warning and a handy set of directions. Why yes, I did want to disengage the safety protocols, thanks for asking. In another twenty seconds, they were all my new drone friends. I had […]

Artificial Condition

Artificial Condition (2018) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) Calm down, ART said, not helpfully. I closed the story by reflex, like that would make it not exist. After three seconds of shock, I made myself open it again. My human parts were experiencing a cold prickling that wasn’t comfortable. This place was creepy. I reminded […]

All Systems Red

All Systems Red (2017) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) I was depressed this morning. I’d tried watching some new serials last night and even they couldn’t distract me; reality was too intrusive. Gurathin turned to me. “So you don’t have a governor module, but we could punish you by looking at you.” I looked at […]

Network Effect, Audio Edition

Network Effect, Audio Edition (2020) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R. Free MURDERBOT! “What is that thing?” Target Leader demanded. “What are you? You’re a bot?” Thiago said, “It’s a security unit. A bot/ human construct.” T arget Leader didn’t seem to believe him. “Why does it look like a person?” I said, “I ask […]

Exit Strategy, Audio Edition

Exit Strategy (2018) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R. Free MURDERBOT! Publisher: Recorded Books Rating: 9.5/10

Rogue Protocol, Audio Edition

Rogue Protocol (2018) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R. Free MURDERBOT Publisher: Recorded Books Rating: 9.5/10

Artificial Condition, Audio Edition

Artificial Condition (2018) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R. Free MURDERBOT! ART! Publisher: Recorded Books Rating: 9.5/10

All Systems Red, Audio Edition

All Systems Red (2017) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R. Free MURDERBOT Publisher: Recorded Books Rating: 9.5/10

Fugitive Telemetry

Fugitive Telemetry (2021) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) Murderbot solves a murder! The full station threat assessment for murder was sitting at a baseline 7 percent. (To make it drop lower than that we’d have to be on an uninhabited planet.) Why don’t you come to the hotel when you’re done and we’ll do something […]

Network Effect

Network Effect (2020) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) Thiago: “You trust it that much?” Mensah: “With my life, literally. I know what it will do to protect her, and you, and the rest of the team. Of course, it has its faults. In fact, it’s probably listening to us right now. Are you listening, SecUnit?” […]

Exit Strategy

Exit Strategy (2018) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) I love Murderbot, but I also love the other tech. Ship’s drones gathered to watch me, confused as to why I was going out the wrong door and beeping sadly about it. Ship’s feed and system codes were trashed, but bot pilot was already reasserting control. SecSystem […]

Rogue Protocol

Rogue Protocol (2018) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) Being a SecUnit sucked. I couldn’t wait to get back to my wild rogue rampage of hitching rides on bot-piloted transports and watching my serials. Or Miki was a bot who had never been abused or lied to or treated with anything but indulgent kindness. It really […]

Artificial Condition

Artificial Condition (2018) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) Murderbot! Constructs sometimes fall under the same category as bots, sometimes under the same category as deadly weapons. (FYI, that is not a good category to be in.)) So they made us smarter. The anxiety and depression were side effects. I didn’t have any parts related to […]

All Systems Red

All Systems Red (2017) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) MURDERBOT! We’ve been listening to Network Effect and so I needed to start rereading the Murderbot Diaries. After I secured the habitat, I went back to what was called the security ready room, which was where weapons, ammo, perimeter alarms, drones, and all the other supplies […]

Fugitive Telemetry

Fugitive Telemetry (2021) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) The Preservation Alliance is a peaceful planetary area–which is why most people don’t know what to make of Murderbot. (T)he humans on the Station wouldn’t have to think about what I was, a construct made of cloned human tissue, augments, anxiety, depression, and unfocused rage, a killing […]

Network Effect

Network Effect (2020) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) MURDERBOT Murderbot has gone off on a research expedition with several of Dr Mensah’s family members. Thiago: “You trust it that much?” Mensah: “With my life, literally. I know what it will do to protect her, and you, and the rest of the team. Of course, it […]

Rogue Protocol, Audio Edition

Rogue Protocol, Audio Edition (2018) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R. Free (Murderbot) Murderbot, Book 3 ART’s official designation was deep space research vessel. At various points in our relationship, ART had threatened to kill me, watched my favorite shows with me, given me a body configuration change, provided excellent tactical support, talked me into […]

Artificial Condition, Audio Edition

Artificial Condition, Audio Edition (2018) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R. Free More Murderbot. I didn’t care what humans were doing to each other as long as I didn’t have to a) stop it or b) clean up after it. Constructs sometimes fall under the same category as bots, sometimes under the same category as […]

All Systems Red, Audio Edition

All Systems Red, Audio Edition (2017) Martha Wells narrated by Kevin R. Free Murderbot. Audio version. I COULD HAVE BECOME a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites. It had been well over 35,000 hours or […]

Exit Strategy

Exit Strategy (2018) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) MURDERBOT! (Possibly I was overthinking this. I do that; it’s the anxiety that comes with being a part-organic murderbot. The upside was paranoid attention to detail. The downside was also paranoid attention to detail.) After escaping mostly unscathed from the discovery that GrayCris had not been terraforming […]

Rogue Protocol

Rogue Protocol (2018) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) MURDERBOT! Murderbot is still trying to figure out what happened with GrayCis corporation their teams tried to kill the group Murderbot was working for. So off Murderbot goes to look for evidence. Purely for selfish reasons, of course. If Dr. Mensah had proof of that, the investigation […]

Artificial Condition

Artificial Condition (2018) Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries) Murderbot wants to go back to RaviHyral Mining Facility Q Station to see if it can figure out what caused it to go rogue and kill a bunch of humans. My memory of the incident was partially purged.” SecUnit memory purges are always partial, due to the […]