
Isabelle Adler

Books: Mystery | LGBT

In the Winter Woods (2020) 

In the Winter Woods (2020)

In the Winter WoodsDeclan has escaped to his family's summer cabin–in December–in the hopes it will let him write the book he desperately needs to get to his editor. And it looks like he can't just churn out another mystery with his hero–he needs something new, and doesn't know where to start.

Aside from one very stupid mistake (which involved alcohol) Declan does not (unlike many other protagonists in cozy mysteries) foolishly throw himself into danger for stupid reasons. He makes mistakes, but he isn't an idiot.

I picked some sensible items— dried pasta, canned tomato sauce, eggs, bread, and some packaged vegetables. Then (because I wasn't living in complete denial) I added instant coffee and a box of sugary donuts.

It was a cute cozy mystery that–although somewhat predictable–was still a lovely escape.

Publisher: NineStar Press

Rating: 7/10