
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Murders of Richard III

The Murders of Richard III (1974) Elizabeth Peters (Jacqueline Kirby) “No. It’s been dated to about 1580. Like most of the other portraits of Richard, it was probably copied from a lost original. The only one that might be a contemporary portrait is in the Royal Collection. When it was X-rayed recently, the experts found […]

The Seventh Sinner

The Seventh Sinner (1972) Elizabeth Peters (Jacqueline Kirby) This was written in 1972, and is a product of those times–but not horribly so. (T)he long white scar on his forearm was the result of a bayonet cut acquired during the Six Days’ War, and Ted was already respected in academic circles for his research on […]

Kneading You

Kneading You (2016) C.S. Poe (A Lancaster Story) He opened to the front page, where there was an old-fashioned library card in the pocket glued to the cover, with handwritten names and dates going as far back as 1947. No one deserved to lose access to books simply because of where they lived. “Someone who […]

Blitz, Audio Book

Blitz, Audio Book (2022) Daniel O’Malley narrated by Moira Quirk (The Rook Files) “Our physicists are terrifically excited by the implications, but then, they’re in a state of almost constant excitement here. We’ve had to schedule enforced naps for all the scientists on Kirrin Island to keep them from working until they keel over.” Responsible […]

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter (2016) R Cooper Why reread? Because Scotty is so very sweet and kind. He picked up Becks to give nervous, overprotective Bobby a break from watching over her all the time, before taking Bobby’s hand for the walk home. Scott didn’t get any more time to think about it, because […]


Blitz (2022) Daniel O’Malley (The Checquy Files) This is the third book in The Checquy Files series. The story is split between London in (probably) 1940 and modern London (set perhaps a year after Stiletto, which was set maybe six months of the Rook, so ~2013) in (seemingly) unrelated stories. You of course know the […]

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter (2016) R. Cooper Honestly, I’m not even sure what it is about this story, but it keeps catching at my mind. Part of it is how awful the women in the town are. Scott nodded, so weirdly nervous that his voice trembled. “It makes them want to read more. Maybe […]


Whirlwind (2021) A. M. Rose (Daydream, Colorado) This book finishes the arc started in the previous book. Felix is clairvoyant. He didn’t have some grand purpose, but he could help ease the suffering of both the living and the dead, and that was just as powerful. He goes to where he is pulled, never settling […]

Unseen Academicals

Unseen Academicals (2009) Terry Pratchett (Discworld) I’ve owned this book for years (as well as the following two) but I didn’t read. First, because I wasn’t reading a lot of fantasy. Then, because I knew there wouldn’t be any more Discworld books, and I wanted to save the reading of them. Which meant I never […]

American Dreamer

American Dreamer (2019) Adriana Herrera (Dreamers) This is a reread, and as with the first time through, I really liked everything except the boinking. Luckily, I could skim that–especially since this was a reread. Otherwise, there is much to love about this story, especially the friendships. “Oh my god, Jude Eugenio Maria Fuller! What did […]

Lords and Ladies

Lords and Ladies (1992) Terry Pratchett (Discworld: Witches) The witches are finally back in Lancre, and Magrat is getting married–much to her own surprise. But it isn’t actually that bad a deal. Verence II was the most amiable monarch in the history of Lancre. His subjects regarded him with the sort of good-natured contempt that […]

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter (2017) R. Cooper (T)hey’d searched all around for suitable men for Cole. They hadn’t ever done that for Scott, and he saw nothing in Kathy’s expression that said she had ever considered it. He ought to demand why he wasn’t good enough, but he wasn’t going to like the answer, […]

Family Matters

Family Matters (2018) Angel Martinez (Brandywine Investigations) My feelings for this book are summed up in just how WONDERFUL this cover is. Because it’s awesome, and so is the book. Plus: Why do you wear a kilt? It’s the tail, isn’t it? Though kilts are cool. As with the previous book, there are three stories: […]

Kneading You

Kneading You (2016) C.S. Poe (A Lancaster Story) Christopher Hughes desperately needs a job, and when the position of small town librarian opens up, he leaps at the opportunity. But the library is under threat, since a developer wants the land for a cell tower and shopping mall. “This library is not cost-effective. It’s really […]

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter (2017) R. Cooper I’m still struggling, and remembered this is a cute story, so I borrowed it again from the library. Scotty left the city and moved to a small down to help his sister care for her kids. And he likes working for the fire department. But it’s hard […]