Rivers Of London Vol. 9: Monday, Monday (2022) Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, José María Beroy The ninth comic jumps back and forth in time, both in the present day, as well as into Nightingale’s past. First think I really liked about this story: Stephanopoulus. We get a lot of her POV. Also, she is described […]
Rivers Of London Vol. 8: The Fey and the Furious (2020) Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, Lee Sullivan I read the first issue likely when it came out. I wasn’t especially interested, but now I’m relistening to the series, I decided to try and get caught up. First off, we get Guleed. Not enough Guleed, but […]
The Furthest Station, Audio Edition (2017) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) This novella falls between Foxglove Summer and The Hanging Tree in the timeline. Although I highly recommend starting at the beginning, because it is outside of the primary story arc of the series, it should be accessible to those unfamiliar […]
The Hanging Tree, Audio Edition (2017) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) Lady Ty has decided to call in her favor. “Peter,” said Lady Ty, “Nightingale is not to know about this— is that clear?” “Crystal,” I said. As soon as she hung up, I called the Folly. Not that he’ll let […]
Foxglove Summer, Audio Edition (2015) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) I love this series so much. This book is dedicated to Sir Terry Pratchett OBE, who has stood like a wossname upon the rocky shores of our imaginations— the better to guide us safely into harbor. There are so many subtle […]
Broken Homes, Audio Edition (2014) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) A lot happens in this book. And there are a couple things I missed the first couple times through (mostly about the ends at the end of the book). As always, the story is a joy. I’d love to stick some […]
Whispers Under Ground (2012) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) I’m enjoying this reread (relisten) of the Rivers of London series, because I’m paying attention to things I missed earlier, because I didn’t necessarily catch the importance the first time through. But mostly because I adore Peter. So just chalk it up […]
Moon Over Soho, Audio Edition (2011) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith This book has my hands-down all-time favorite quote. “You can’t die of jazz,” said Dr. Walid. “Can you?” I thought of Fats Navarro, Billie Holiday, and Charlie Parker who, when he died, was mistaken by a coroner for a man twice his real […]
- August 15th, 2022
- Categories: 9/10, Audio Book, British, Good Cover, Mystery, Police, Queer, Reread, Sexual Content, Urban
Midnight Riot, Audio Edition (2012) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) I’ve finished listened to the Jane Yellowrock and Faith Hunter series, with the exception of the two most recent books I haven’t read, so realizing I had a new Rivers of London book to listen to, I decided to restart the […]
Amongst Our Weapons (2022) Ben Aaronovitch (Rivers of London) It’s been two years since the previous full Rivers on London book, although in between we had a story set in Germany, comics, short stories, and Abigail’s novella. And I am GREAT with all that. Did I want to know what was happening with Peter? Of […]
Tales from the Folly: A Rivers of London Short Story Collection (2020) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by: the author, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, Ben Elliot, Felix Grainger, Sam Peter Jackson, Alex Kingston, Shvorne Marks, and Penelope Rawlins PART ONE: THE PETER GRANT STORIES The Home Crowd Advantage The Domestic The Cockpit The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Granny King […]
Tales from the Folly: A Rivers of London Short Story Collection (2020) Ben Aaronovitch This is a collection of Rivers of London short stories. About half the stories are are Peter stories, the others features other characters from the world, including Abigail and Dominic Croft (from Foxglove Summer). PART ONE: THE PETER GRANT STORIES The […]
Rivers of London: The Fey and the Furious (2020) Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, Lee Sullivan I find the comics for this series frustrating. I found the story interesting, but the execution wasn’t all I wanted it to be, I mean, why precisely, were the fey doing all this? It didn’t make a lot of sense […]
False Value (2020) Ben Aaronovitch (Rivers of London) The 8th Rivers of London book. It’s been two years since the last book about Peter (although there have been comics) and although I was impatient, I didn’t mind, because my assumption was it was taking a long time so he could get it right (rather than […]
Lies Sleeping (2018) Ben Aaronovitch This is the seventh Rivers of London novel. And it’s set in 2014, because the story moved slower than real publishing time. You can read this if you haven’t read the novella or comics, but if you haven’t read the previous books? Forget it. The story opens with the following […]
The Hanging Tree, Audio Edition (2017) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith Now I’m all caught up on Peter Grant and ready to read the newest book. One of Lady Ty’s daughters has gotten into trouble, and she has called Peter to ask for his help in solving a problem. “Peter,” said Lady Ty, “Nightingale […]
The Furthest Station, Audio Edition (2017) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith This actually comes after The Hanging Tree, but I ended up reading it prior, and it didn’t matter. This is a novella that features Abigail as much as it does Peter, which I really enjoyed, since I love little bits, like this conversation […]
Rivers of London Vol. 6: Water Weed (2018) Ben Aaranovitch Andrew Cartmel These are getting more and more frustrating, because they’re become less good with each comic story-line. The problem is that the stories aren’t forwarding the story or the characters at all–they’re just what the characters happen to be working on while he’s writing […]
Foxglove Summer, Audio Edition (2014) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith The fifth Rivers of London book. Lesley is gone. Peter is a mess, but doesn’t realize it. So Nightingale sends him out to the country. If I’d been about four ranks higher up the hierarchy I’d have regarded it as an opportunity to realize […]
Broken Homes, Audio Version (2013) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith First, we meet Varvara Sidorovna. “Nochnye Koldunyi,” said Nightingale. “A Night Witch.” “Is that like a person or another thing?” asked Lesley. “Like Peter’s Pale Lady?” “A type of Russian practitioner,” said Nightingale. “Recruited during the war, the training had a very narrow scope. […]
Whispers Under Ground, Audio Edition (2012) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith The third book finds Lesley May moved into the Folly, having become the newest apprentice (it’s understood this is allows only because of the damage done to her in the first book). A body is found in the Underground, and as much as […]
Moon Over Soho, Audio Edition (2011/2012) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith This is a story about jazz vampires. “You can’t die of jazz,” said Dr. Walid. “Can you?” I thought of Fats Navarro, Billie Holiday, and Charlie Parker who, when he died, was mistaken by a coroner for a man twice his real age. […]
Midnight Riot, Audio Edition (2011/2012) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith I finished all the Nightside books that I own, and instead of buying the next book (none of them are available at my library) I decided to re-listen to the Rivers of London series, since there is a new book. I do love this […]
Rivers of London: Vol. 4 Detective Stories (2017) Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, Luis Guerrero, Lee Sullivan The fourth Rivers of London comic finds Peter being interviewed to become a detective. The gentleman interviewing him is a bit unprepared for what he’s about to get. There is a lot to love about this comic. First off, […]
A Rare Book of Cunning Device, Audio Short Story (2017) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith This is a Peter Grant short story, available only as an audible short story (currently free). Oh My Dog I love this so much. Peter is summoned to the London British Library because the library (who knew his mother) […]