Princeless Vol 5 Part 1: Make Yourself I am very conflicted about this volume. First, it’s only Part 1 (although it doesn’t say that on the cover). Second, there are 26 pages of ads for other comics. That made it feel like it was padded out with ads to make up for being split in […]
Mockingbird Vol. 2: My Feminist Agenda (2017) Chelsea Cain and Kate Niemczyk I’ll be honest, I didn’t understand most of what was going on here. But I really didn’t care, because I found the whole thing fascinating. Mocking bird receives a ticket to a cruise from an anonomous source. Since she’s trying to get out […]
Rivers of London: Detective Stories #4.1 (2017) Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, Lee Sullivan, Luis Guerrero, Mack Chater I am… confused by this. This is Detective Stories #4.1 and it just came out. Rivers of London: Detective Stories #2 comes out July 12. Rivers of London: Detective Stories #3 comes out August 9th. All I can […]
Princeless Vol. 4: Be Yourself (2015) Jeremy Whitley, Emily Martin and Brett Grunig This is the fourth Princless book and finds Adrienne off to attempt to rescue her middle sister, Angoisse. This was good, but I think the bits about Adrienne were weaker than the previous volumes. She and Bedelia are more witnesses to events […]
Rivers of London Volume 3: Black Mould (2017) Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, Lee Sullivan This comic occurs between Foxglove Summer and The Hanging Tree . It’s also how Peter ends up working more with Sahra Guleed, who I also adore. And I love how snarky both of them are about the racism they deal with […]
Rat Queens Volume 3: Demons (2016) Kurtis J. Wiebe, Tamra Bonvillain, Tess Fowler What? What? How? Man, that sure went off the rails right quick. I honestly don’t get what happened here. Last volume was good, this one started out well, then it just went, well, it went all over the place, and half of […]
Rat Queens Vol. 2: Far Reaching Tentacles of N’rygoth (2015) Kurtis J Wiebe, Roc Upchurch, Stjepan Sejic I am really really enjoying this comic. Even if it’s chock full of boinking and drugs. Or perhaps that’s because. Hard to tell. This story gives us glimpses of various character’s back stories and secrets, when the town […]
Princess Ugg Volume 2 (2015) Ted Naifeh, Warren Wucinich The second (and final) volume of Princess Ugg finds Ulga still at the academy learning to be a princess. She’s slowly learning to write, and learn the other bits of decorum that are expected in the lowlands, but her roommate still hates her and belittles her, […]
Mockingbird Vol. 1: I Can Explain (2016) Chelsea Cain, Joelle Jones, Ibrahim Moustafa, Kate Niemczyk To be honest, I think I need to read this again later. There was much I liked–a lot I liked–but the story was described as a puzzle box, and some of it seemed to depend upon previous knowledge of characters, […]
Princeless Vol 3: The Pirate Princess (2014) Jeremy Whitley, Rosy Higgins, Ted Brandt Volume three finds Adrienne rescuing another princess locked in a tower–Raven aka The Black Arrow aka the Pirate Princess. Raven is a bit of a trickster figure, with her own agenda. But she isn’t a bad character–just one who knows what she […]
Princeless, Vol 2: Get Over Yourself (2014) Jeremy Whitley and Emily Martin Fun! Although not quite as good as the first. Adrienne has rescued herself and has now decided to rescue the rest of her sisters–even if said sisters are not quite sure they need rescued. Boy is Adrienne’s older sister Angelica irritating. Part of […]
Wonder Woman, Vol. 1: Blood (2012) Brian Azzarello, Cliff Chiang, and Tony Akins This is part of the DC New 52. I picked it up first as an ecomic, but could not get into it reading in that format–I can see the page as a whole OR I can read the text. Not both. So […]
Mighty Thor Vol. 1: Thunder in her Veins (2017) Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman So what do I like about Mighty Thor? I really really liked the parts about Jane Foster, about her history with Thor and Odin and Loki. But mostly about her fight with cancer, and how being Thor is working against her […]
Thor Vol. 2: Who Holds the Hammer? (2016) Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman, Matthew Wilson, Jason Aaron, Noell Stevenson, CM Punk This is the second volume of Thor, Goddess of Thunder, and I’m finding that my lack of grounding in the Marvel mythos and history is starting to become a problem. It felt like there was […]
Rat Queens Vol. 1: Sass & Sorcery (2013) Kurtis Wiebe and Roc Upchurch Let’s just get this out of the way: NOT FOR KIDS! TOTALLY NOT FOR KIDS! However, if you’re an adult? I LOVED it! The Rat Queens are a band of mercenaries in the town of Palisade, and many in the town are […]
Lumberjanes Vol. 1 Beware the Kitten Holy (2015) Noelle Stevenson, Shannon Watters, Brooke A Allen Apparently, if I’m going to pull out my reading glasses, I’m going to go ahead and read a bunch of comics. Friendship to the max! Jo, April, Mal, Molly and Ripley are five best pals determined to have an awesome […]
Princess Ugg Vol. 1 (2014) Ted Naifeh and Warren Wucinich Princess Ülga is traveling to the low-lands at her mother’s request, hoping to learn how to help her people. What she learns isn’t quite what she was expecting. I didn’t remember the premise, so when I started reading I wasn’t quite sure where things were […]
Princeless: Vol 1: Save Yourself (2012) Jeremy Whitley and Mia Goodwin OMG. This. Is. Awesome. I’ve had it for awhile, but hadn’t gotten around to reading it, because reading comics now requires me to find a pair of reading glasses. O.o I should not have waited. Princeless is a delight and a marvel and I […]
Thor Vol 1: Goddess of Thunder (2015) Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman I picked this up after reading the first bit in A-Force Presents which was a lovely introduction to some of Marvel’s female heroes. I initially wasn’t sure about Thor, because there was a good amount of background that I was missing, but I […]
Hellboy in Mexico (2016) Mike Mignola, Richard Corben, Mick Mahon, Fabio Moon, Gabriel Ba I generally like the Hellboy books that are collections of short stories, but for some reason I had a hard time getting into this collection. It had lots of the things I generally like about Hellboy (like getting into (and losing) […]
She-Hulk Volume 2: Disorderly Conduct (2015) Charles Soule and Javier Pulido She-Hulk is fun, and I enjoyed reading these two volumes, but I don’t think that this is a series I’ll continue reading. There are a couple threads in this volume. She-Hulk has to work with a variety of different super heroes, getting miniaturized, and […]
Rivers of London: Night Witch (2016) by Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, Lee Sullivan, Luis Guerrero You get an alternative cover, because this is WAY more awesome than any of the actual covers. If it isn’t obvious, this story focuses a good deal upon Varvara Sidorovna Tamonina, the Russian Night Witch captured by Peter and Thomas […]
She-Hulk Vol. 1: Law and Disorder (2014) Charles Soule, Javier Pulido, and Ron Wimberly The A-Force Presents Vol I was my introduction to Jennifer Walters. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy her story (after all, she’s not damaged and conflicted–she’s instead stable with a good head on her shoulders). But I wasn’t expecting a well-adjusted lawyer, […]
Black Widow Vol. 3: Last Days (2015) Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto This is the closing volume of the Black Widow trilogy, and was very — difficult and depressing aren’t quite the right words, but much of it was hard to read. We see glimpses of Natasha’s past through the story, and the volume closes […]
Black Widow Vol. 2: The Tightly Tangled Web (2015) Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto This is the second volume of Nathan Edmondson’s Black Widow run, and although I enjoyed it, parts of it were difficult to follow because I am not immersed in the Marvel Avengers world. Winter Soldier, Punisher–apparently Black Widow appeared in these […]
Rivers of London: Body Work (2015) Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, Lee Sullivan, and Luis Gurrero If you’ve been paying any attention, you know that I have a deep and (probably) unhealthy love of Ben Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London series. So when I saw there was going to be a comic, I searched because BY GOD […]
Black Widow Volume 1: The Finely Woven Thread (2015) Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto Oh, I liked this one lots! I have not seen the Avenger movies, or read any of the Avenger comics–I just know tangential bits picked up from here and there (because: geek). Natasha is the Black Widow, who was formerly a […]
A-Force Presents Vol. 1 (2015) by G. Willow Wilson, Nathan Edmondson, Kelly Sue Deconnick, Jason Aaron, Phil Noto, David Lopez, Adrian Alphona, Russell Dauterman This is brilliant. These are six introductory stories to six female characters in the Marvel world: Black Widow, Captain marvel, Thor, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel, and The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. It’s a […]
Mercy Thompson: Hopcross Jilly (2015) Patricia Briggs and Tom Garcia I’m a huge fan of the Mercy Thompson series, and also love Patricia Briggs’ short stories, so although I didn’t love the first Mercy Thompson graphic novel I read, I got this because I do like her short stories. This story puts a great deal […]
Fairest Vol. 5: The Clamour for Glamour And now, the final volume of Fairest. Like the previous volumes, this timeline is simultaneous with that of Fables, so although there aren’t any spoilers in either direction, you kind of need to know what was happening in Fables to completely understand everything here. That said, there was […]
Fables Vol. 22: Farewell (2015) This one has only been sitting on my coffee table for a month, waiting for a day when I could read through the last two volumes in one sitting. I think it’ll take me awhile–and probably a re-read of the entire series–to decide how I feel about these last two […]
Fables Vol. 21: Happily Ever After (2015) Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha, and Andrew Pepoy This is the penultimate Fables volume, and it’s been sitting on my coffee table since May (release date) waiting to be read. It’s for the best that I put off reading it until the final volume also arrived, as […]
Ms. Marvel Vol. 3: Crushed (2015) G. Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyazawa, Elmo Bondoc The third volume of Ms. Marvel finds Kamala Khan still struggling with her identity as an Inhuman, but also with keeping the secret from her family. There are a lot of amusing jokes for older readers here–references to many general pop-culture geek […]
Ms. Marvel Volume 2: Generation Why (2015) G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona, and Jacob Wyatt Volume 2 of Ms. Marvel finds Kamala still trying to come to terms with her powers, and still trying to hide her secret from her family and friends. The later gets her a talk with Sheikh Abdullah, because her parents […]
Girl Genius Volume 13: Agatha Heterodyne and the Sleeping City (2014) Phil & Kaja Foglio Needs more Jagers. Rating: 7/10 Published by Studio Foglio
Girl Genius Volume 12: Siege of Mechanicsburg (2013) Phil & Kaja Foglio The problem with Girl Genius is that it’s been running so long I forget much of what has happened previously. And the fact that I’ve had this volume for about a year before getting around to reading it doesn’t help. This doesn’t mean […]
Ms. Marvel Volume 1: No Normal (2014) G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphonsa Marvelous! This is a lot of fun, and had me giggling multiple times! Kamala Khan is your average 16-year-old Muslim girl living in New Jersey–which means there is nothing average about her. She wants all the things she can’t have–or isn’t allowed to […]
Fairest Vol. 4: Cinderella – Of Men and Mice (2014) Mark Andreyko, Shawn McManus I’ve been hit or miss with the Fables spin-off series. I hated Jack, didn’t much care for Cinderella, but have quite enjoyed Fairest. But I was hesitant when I saw the latest volume of Fairest was Cinderella. This series continues to […]
Fables Vol. 20: Camelot (2014) Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha, Russ Braun, Barry Kitson I actually read this last month, but since it was on the day we caught the train, I forgot about it when I came back. It wasn’t until I was trying to clear off the table I remembered I’d hadn’t […]
Rising Stars, Vol. 1: Born in Fire (2001) J. Michael Straczynski, Keu Cha, Ken Lashley, Christian Zanier, Jason Gorder, John Livesay, Edwin Rosell, David Wohl, Dennis Heisler, Dreamer Design, Robin Spehar, Liquid!, Matt Nelson, John Starr, Tyson Wengler Rising Stars, Vol. 2: Power (2002) J. Michael Straczynski, Keu Cha, Ken Lashley, Christian Zanier, Jason Gorder, […]
Hellboy: The Midnight Circus (2013) Mike Mignola, Duncan Fegredo, Dave Stewart Couple things about this: 1) It came out as hardback. 2) I purchased the kindle version, because it was cheaper than the hardback (and by now we should all know my feelings about hardback books). 3) This is more of a novella than regular […]
Local (2008) Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly There is absolutely nothing wrong with this story, it just is not my thing. Published by Oni Press
Hellboy in Hell Volume 1: The Descent (2014) Mike Mignola, Dave Stewart My feelings about Hellboy? It’s complicated. I tend to love the Hellboy collections that are more-or-less short story collections of his adventures. The stories about Hellboy’s inheritance, I tend to enjoy much less, so… every other collection I love. Hellboy in Hell, Volume […]
Fairest Vol. 3: The Return of the Maharaja (2014) Sean E. Williams, Stephen Sadowski, Phil Jimenez I am a huge fan of Fables, but I have not cared for all the spin-offs–especially Jack of Fables. I despise Jack, and can’t stand reading about him. But I’ve enjoyed Fairest, and so had Vol 3 on pre-order, […]
Monster on the Hill (2013) Rob Harrell This is a comic/graphic novel for kids. It’s cute and amusing, but perhaps a tad bit heavy-handed with the lesson. But what is it about? Stoker-on-Avon has a monster problem. More specifically, their monster is terrible. He doesn’t come out and scare the townspeople, he just sits in […]
Fables Vol. 19: Snow White (2013) Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham Yeah, someone really screwed up with the publication of Fairest In All the Land prior to Snow White. The big surprise was already dropped in Fairest, so I spent my time wondering when The Bad Thing was going to happen, rather than enjoying the story […]
Fairest: Fairest In All the Land (2013) Bill Willingham Although this is supposed to be a stand-alone in the Fairest series, I think in many ways it is more of a Fables story. Unlike 1001 Nights of Snowfall, I wouldn’t recommend this to someone who hasn’t read the series. There is a lot happening that […]
Evil Diva Anthology Volume 1 (2013) Peter Menotti, Joe Cashman, Stephen Hood, Team Diva Last week I discovered Evil Diva comics, and me being who I am, I went ahead and ordered Volume 1, so as to support the artists. I have Volume II or pre-order, and the comic in my RSS feed. Diva Beelze […]
Fairest Vol. 2: Hidden Kingdom (2013) Lauren Beukes, Bill Willingham, Inaki Miranda The first volume of Fairest was about Briar Rose and the Snow Queen. This volume features Rapunzel, and her search for her children. Like the first volume, Wide Awake, this is a stand-alone story. It’s set before most of the events in Fables, […]
Walking Your Octopus: A Guidebook to the Domesticated Cephalopod (2013) Brian Kesinger I’ve been following Otto and Victoria for awhile now, so how could I not have ordered when I saw they were going to get their own book? I’ve seen some–but not all–of these pictures before, but wanted a paper copy both because the […]