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Archive for '9.5/10'

Joy (States of Love)

Joy (States of Love) (2017) C.S. Poe Gideon Joy is just plain unlucky. If it is possible for something in his life to go wrong, it does. Which is why he is depressed but unsurprising when he clips a moose driving through New Hampshire, wrecking his car AND the car of someone else. Since he’s […]

The Rook

The Rook (2012) Daniel O’Malley This was on sale last week, and when I saw it, I immediately wanted to read it again. This is a book that gets better each time I read it, because I think about the different aspects of the story. First, I adore the various thoughts about human nature. the […]

Stiletto, Audio Edition

Stiletto, Audio Edition (2016) Daniel O’Malley narrated by Moira Quirk Since I re-listened to The Rook, I had to follow up with Stiletto. I keep checking to see if Daniel O’Malley has written anything else, and I am terribly disappointed every time I see that, no, there is nothing else. Why do I love these […]

Banquet of Lies

Banquet of Lies (2013) Michelle Diener Set in London in 1812. This is my favorite book in this series–and I like the other two books quite well. Giselle Barrington has seen her father murdered for the secrets her carries. She manages to escape back to London, but does not know who she can turn to, […]

The Rook, Audio Edition

The Rook, Audio Edition (2012) Daniel O’Malley narrated by Susan Duerden I had no idea what I wanted to listen to, but needed something engaging, so I decided to go back to The Rook. “That’s experience talking,” said Shantay. “In these situations, the glass is always half empty.” “Always?” “Always,” confirmed the Bishop. “Right until […]

The Raven Boys, Audio Edition

The Raven Boys, Audio Edition (2012) Maggie Stiefvater narrated by Will Patton I’d been a loose ends, trying to figure out what I wanted to listen to. This was it. I adore this story. And I love it even more remembering that Ronan, who is relatively awful in this book, ends up my favorite character […]

Within the Sanctuary of Wings

Within the Sanctuary of Wings (2017) Marie Brennan Lady Trent has become a force in her own right–she has made amazing discoveries and published scientific papers, yet she still has not be accepted by the Fellow of the Philosophers’ Colloquium. She has also become political, no matter how unwittingly. (W)e cannot pretend the education of […]

Guards! Guards!

Guards! Guards! (1989) Terry Pratchett I love Terry Pratchett, and I think I may love the Watch story arc best of all the Discworld stories. It was a five hundred mile journey and, surprisingly, quite uneventful. People who are rather more than six feet tall and nearly as broad across the shoulders often have uneventful […]

Banquet of Lies

Banquet of Lies (2013) Michelle Diener Set in England in 1812. Giselle Barrington has spent her life following her father around Europe, collecting folklore and working secretly for the Crown. She’s developed her own strange passion: food, recipes, and cooking. “What do you do with the recipes?” The woman looked genuinely interested now. “I’m compiling […]

Talk Sweetly to Me

Talk Sweetly to Me (2014) Courtney Milan Set in England in 1882. This is the final novella in the Brothers Sinister series, and I adore it. Rose Sweetly is a computer–she can do complex mathematics in her head, and loves working with astronomers. She’s an utter geek, long before geeks were cool. “Why is it […]


Stiletto (2016) Daniel O’Malley I really enjoyed The Rook, so I was thrilled when the sequel, Stiletto, went on sale. At first, I was a tiny bit disappointed that Rook Myfanwy Thomas wasn’t the main character, but she made a later appearance, and I came to really like the new characters introduced: Felicity and Odette. […]

Night Watch

Night Watch (2006) Sergei Lukyanenko translated by Andrew Bromfield This text has been approved for distribution as conducive to the cause of Light. —THE NIGHT WATCH This text has been approved for distribution as conducive to the cause of Darkness. —THE DAY WATCH I’ve got the final two Night Watch books just waiting to be […]

The Phoenix Guards

The Phoenix Guards (1991) Steven Brust I admit that you have to be in the mood for Phoenix Guards and this branch of Steven Brust’s writing. It would seem, therefore, that if we were to allow our readers, by virtue of being in the company of the historian, to eavesdrop on this interchange, we will […]

Shifting Shadows: Stories from the World of Mercy Thompson

Shifting Shadows: Stories from the World of Mercy Thompson (2016) Patricia Briggs I really do like this short story collection. Pleasingly, Patricia Briggs is good with short stories, which makes this collection all the more enjoyable. Silver Fairy Gifts (previously published in Naked City) Gray (previously published in Home Improvement: Undead Edition) Seeing Eye (previously […]

Lord of Emperors

Lord of Emperors (2000) Guy Gavriel Kay The sequel to Sailing to Sarantium. The second half of this story opens in Bassania, with the King of Kings suffering an arrow to the shoulder. Had any other patient been shown to them in this state, the physicians would all have spoken the words of formal withdrawal: […]

Tapping the Dream Tree

Tapping the Dream Tree (2002) Charles de Lint I’ve been somewhat depressed recently, and since I got an Amazon book credit, I realized I could get some of my Charles de Lint books as eBooks. WIN. Ten for the Devil Wingless Angels The Words That Remain Many Worlds Are Born Tonight The Buffalo Man Second […]


Shadowshaper (2015) Daniel José Older I think that Daniel José Older is now made it to my Must Buy list of authors. I have adored everything I’ve ready by him, and I also cannot WAIT to give this book to the teens in my life. Sierra Santiago wants to spend the summer painting, working on […]

The Lions of Al-Rassan

The Lions of Al-Rassan (1995) Guy Gavriel Kay This is fantasy, but it parallels the history of the Jews, Muslims, and Christians in the Middle ages. But the parallels aren’t complete, as women aren’t nearly as subjugated as they would have been in Europe at the time. Jehane is a Kindath physician, and in high […]

The Very Best of Charles de Lint

The Very Best of Charles de Lint (2010) Charles de Lint In Which We Meet Jilly Coppercorn Coyote Stories Laughter in the Leaves The Badger in the Bag And the Rafters Were Ringing Merlin Dreams in the Mondream Wood The Stone Drum Timeskip Freewheeling A Wish Named Arnold Into the Green The Graceless Child Winter […]

Tales from the Nightside

Tales from the Nightside (2015) Simon R. Green The Nightside. “Where all your dreams can come true, especially the really bad ones. This is a collection of Nightside stories, many of which I have read before, and a previously unpublished novella. If you’re a Nightside fan, then you’ll want this. If you’re not sure if […]

Heroes ‘Til Curfew

Heroes ‘Til Curfew (2011) Susan Bischoff This is the second book in the Talent Chronicles (and sadly, the last one available) and a follow-up to Hush Money, a YA book where children and teens with Talents are taken by the NIAC and put into special schools where they are “protected” from society (but in reality […]

Trick of the Light

Trick of the Light (2009) Rob Thurman Now, apparently, I need to re-read Rob Thurman. But as I relatively recently re-read the Cal & Niko series, I decided to go with the Trixa Iktomi series. Trixa runs a bar in Sin City, but all she really wants is revenge for her brother’s murder. Leo helps […]

Edie Ernst – USO Singer: Allied Spy

Edie Ernst – USO Singer: Allied Spy (2011) Brooke McElowney I’m not even sure anymore how I stumbled across 9 Chickweed Lane, but I did, and it amused me, so I’d read it most days. Then the Edie Ernst thread started and I was hooked. Some background: 9 Chickweed Lane is about three women: a […]