A Dangerous Collaboration, Audio Book (2019) Deanna Raybourn narrated by Angèle Masters (Veronica Speedwell) Set in England in 1888. Lord Rosemorran had behaved with his characteristic good-natured vagueness, offering money to fund the venture and raising objections only when he realized his sister’s absence would mean taking care of his own children. “In my well-being. […]
A Fatal Illusion (2023) Anna Lee Huber (Lady Darby) Set in England in 1832 This book picks up immediately after the events of the previous book. Kiera and Gage are rushing to Yorkshire after receiving a message that Lord Gage had been shot. Lord Gage isn’t dead, but he is also much unchanged despite having […]
The Deadliest Fall (2023) Charlie Cochrane Set in England in 1947. The war is over but things are still settling back down. When Leslie Cadmore runs into Marianne Sibley, he is reminded how much he misses his best friend and lover (and Marianne’s twin), but still is unsure whether Patrick was involved in the death […]
Blitz, Audio Book (2022) Daniel O’Malley narrated by Moira Quirk (The Rook Files) “Our physicists are terrifically excited by the implications, but then, they’re in a state of almost constant excitement here. We’ve had to schedule enforced naps for all the scientists on Kirrin Island to keep them from working until they keel over.” Responsible […]
A Newlywed’s Guide to Fortune and Murder (2023) Dianne Freeman (Countess of Harleigh) Set in England in 1900 Frances and George are more than ready for their Honeymoon, however, George has an assignment, and Frances has been asked to help present the niece of Lady Winstead to society. However, upon seeing the health of Lady […]
Burned, Audio Book (2016) Benedict Jacka narrated by Gildart Jackson (Alex Verus) Alex Verus #7 Alex is about to receive a death sentence from the Council, and has to do everything he can to keep himself–but more importantly his friends–safe. As I listened I found myself more and more frustrated by the book. By the […]
The Mislaid Magician: or Ten Years After (2006) Patricia C. Wrede & Caroline Stevermer (Cecelia and Kate) (Cecelia and Kate) Set in England in 1828 Thomas has convinced himself that he is being clever. He (he and Ripley, the coachman, to be exact) will drive to London and back, enjoying himself thoroughly the while. In […]
A Treacherous Curse, Audio Book (2018) Deanna Raybourn narrated by Angèle Masters (Veronica Speedwell) Set in England in 1888 Stoker blushed furiously. “For the love of God, put that thing away.” “I cannot imagine why you are so bashful on the subject of the male genitalia of Homo sapiens when you are the only one […]
The Grand Tour: Or, The Purloined Coronation Regalia (2004) Patricia C. Wrede & Caroline Stevermer (Cecelia and Kate) Set in Europe in 1817. The weakness of this story is that I don’t believe the Cecy’s narrative as being “written testimony”. There was just too much personal stuff that seemed unlikely to have been put into […]
Veiled, Audio Book (2015) Benedict Jacka narrated by Gildart Jackson (Alex Verus) My problem is that I was mostly listening to this while cleaning and organizing, and I got focused on my task, so I fear I missed some details. But didn’t care enough to go back and relisten to the bits I was foggy […]
Sorcery & Cecelia: or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot (1988) Patricia C. Wrede & Caroline Stevermer (Cecelia and Kate) Set in England in 1817 (Horace Walpole is by no means Aunt Charlotte’s favorite author, but the opportunity to hire the genuine Mayfair town house he genuinely died in for the Season has given her a new […]
- June 8th, 2023
- Categories: 8/10, Alternate History, British, Comfort Read, eBook, Fantasy, Good Cover, Historical, Mystery, Reread, Romance
Hidden, Audio Book (2014) Benedict Jacka narrated by Gildart Jackson (Alex Verus) Neither Ann nor Saunder what anything to do with Alex after he dealt with the adepts trying to kill him. He doesn’t necessarily blame them, but he had told them him past, and it was up to them to believe him–or not. I […]
A Perilous Undertaking, Audio Book (2017) Deanna Raybourn narrated by Angèle Masters (Veronica Speedwell) Set in England in 1887 We’re continuing to listen to this series in the car, and Michael continues to enjoy it. We meet Lady Wellingtonia. “In my day, chairs were not for comfort. They were to keep your bottom from touching […]
Lessons for Sleeping Dogs (2015) Charlie Cochrane (Cambridge Fellows) Set in England in 1921 Jonty and Orlando are asked to look into what seems to have been a double suicide–a man who suffered debilitating paralysis and the doctor who treated him. The case touches on two things neither much wants to discuss: the war, and […]
Chosen (2014) Benedict Jacka narrated by Gildart Jackson (Alex Verus) Alex spent years hiding from his past. Finally, he started to reach out, to make friends, but his past has come roaring back with a vengeance. What I particularly liked about this story is that Alex’s past came back to do more than haunt him–and […]
The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter (2019) K.J. Charles (Lilywhite Boys) Set in London in 1893 Another ace-ace romance! Set prior to the first Lilywhite Boys story, here we have Stan, Jerry and Templeton’s fence meeting his love, and arranging for her to be rescued from a wannabe crimelord. I’d forgotten for some reason why I enjoyed the […]
- May 19th, 2023
- Categories: 7.5/10, Ace, British, eBook, Good Cover, Historical, Novella, Queer, Reread, Romance
Hither, Page (2019) Cat Sebastian (Page & Sommers) Set in England in 1946. Mrs Hoggett is dead, and although her death was certainly suspicious, there is nothing directory pointing to murder. None of the witnesses could suggest a possible motive, nor did any of them think Mrs. Hoggett had enemies. Leo had actually laughed out […]
- May 14th, 2023
- Categories: 8.5/10, British, eBook, Good Cover, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
The Lawrence Browne Affair (2017) Cat Sebastian (The Turner Series) Set in England in 1816. Apparently I’m just picking books I want to read and ignoring the rest of any series they might be in. Georgie had taken matters into his own hands, and now Georgie was persona non grata in London, and probably everywhere […]
Lessons for Idle Tongues (2015) Charlie Cochrane (Cambridge Fellows) Set in England in 1910. Jonty and Orlando are given another case to solve when Adriene’s cousin asks them to look into a matter for a friend. An unexpected and possibly suspicious death. When they go to investigate they find a lord shut away from society, […]
Lessons for Suspicious Minds (2013) Charlie Cochrane (Cambridge Fellows) Set in England in 1909. NOTE: This story goes back in time, probably set after Lessons in Trust (book 7) and is set before the war–and all the changes that caused to the characters and the world. Jonty and Orlando go with Jonty’s parents to visit […]
- May 7th, 2023
- Categories: 7/10, British, Cozy, eBook, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Novella, Queer, Romance
It Takes Two to Tumble (2017) Cat Sebastian (Seducing the Sedgwicks) Set in England in 1817 “You have no right—” “No, I don’t. I don’t care, though. I’m not leaving your children alone with a virtual stranger who doesn’t seem kindly disposed to them.” Phillip sucked in a breath. “I have no intention of harming […]
- May 5th, 2023
- Categories: 9/10, British, Comfort Read, eBook, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Neurodiversity, Physical Health, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
Cursed, Audio Edition (2014) Benedict Jacka narrated by Gildart Jackson (Alex Verus) Alex is teaching Luna as if she were his apprentice, except that Alex’s magic is fairly uncommon and Luna’s curse seems to be unique. Looking through the futures I saw my possible actions, and their consequences. I saw myself stepping on the loose […]
An Unnatural Vice (2017) K.J. Charles (Sins of the Cities) Justin stayed upstairs until he heard the door shut. Some people would call it flagrant physical cowardice to leave a twelve-year-old girl to deal with a large enraged man, and those people would be absolutely right, but Justin would have bet the house that Nathaniel […]
- April 23rd, 2023
- Categories: 8/10, British, eBook, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
An Unseen Attraction (2017) K.J. Charles (Sins of the Cities) Look me in the eyes, boy! had been a constant refrain at school, but they said the eyes were the windows to the soul, and Clem didn’t feel comfortable peering into people’s windows. Rowley had thought at first the beast had no name; it had […]
- April 17th, 2023
- Categories: 9/10, British, eBook, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Neurodiversity, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
Execution in E (2020) Alexia Gordon (Gethsemane Brown) “If you don’t want me to see your fingers crossed behind your back,” she pointed to his semi-transparent hand visible through his semi-transparent torso, “you should dial up your density.” Ty reminded her of the husband in one of those twisted domestic suspense novels with “Girl” in […]
Fatality in F (2019) Alexia Gordon (Gethsemane Brown) I don’t recognize all the varieties. I know tulip.” She pointed at the familiar red cup-shaped blossom and then at a frilly red bloom. “That’s chrysanthemum. And these,” she lowered her head to inhale the subtle sweetness of several perfect, red, urn-shaped buds, “Roses, of course. What’s […]
Killing in C Sharp (2018) Alexia Gordon (Gethsemane Brown) Ghost Hunting Adventures reigned notorious for both its physicality and the amount of profanity that had to be bleeped out. “Some versions say Maja was the choice from the jump. Long and short of it, the baroness tricked Maja into going to the construction site where […]
Death in D Minor (2917) Alexia Gordon (Gethsemane Brown Mysteries) “Thank you, Miss Brown,” Hank said. “Doctor Brown,” she corrected. “Oh, that’s right, you do have some sort of degree in, what is it, music?” “A Ph.D. From Yale.” “You must forgive me, Doctor Brown. I believe I mentioned before I don’t pay much attention […]
Murder in G Major (2016) Alexia Gordon (Gethsemane Brown) “I’m Gethsemane.” “A nice Biblical name.” “Grandmother’s idea. Father wanted to name us all after Nobel laureates. Mother just wanted the names to be pronounceable with no unnecessary apostrophes.” (M)y career plans don’t include a scorched earth policy. I want to leave on a high, not […]
Fated, Audio Edition (2012/2013) Benedict Jacka narrated by Gildart Jackson (Alex Verus) Alex Verus runs a magic shop in London–however he doesn’t sell tricks, but ingredients and tools for mages. Although he is a mage, he doesn’t have the powers one initially thinks of, because Alex is a diviner. If there’s one thing all diviners […]
A Carriage of Misjustice (2020) Charlie Cochrane (Lindenshaw Mysteries) Adam and Robin are married, but since their wedding was during the school year, they’re putting off their honeymoon. Which is good because Robin is requested for a secondment in Hartwood, which means Robin and Pru will be staying at a hotel for the duration. A […]
Old Sins (2019) Charlie Cochrane (Lindenshaw Mysteries) Back from vacation, Robin and Adam are trying to decide about wedding plans, and taking Campbell for a walk, when they hear a shot and discover a dead dog. This not a common occurrence, and the difference between gun laws in the US vs UK is fascinating. “Somebody […]
Two Feet Under (2018) Charlie Cochrane (Lindenshaw Mysteries) Adam has just started as deputy headteacher at a new school when Robin is called out for a murder–this time at an archeology site. “It’s not one of those routine ‘found a body; we’re pretty sure it’s from the time of Cromwell, but we have to call […]
Jury of One (2015) Charlie Cochrane (Lindenshaw Mysteries) Adam and Robin are now an item, living together although Robin still hasn’t sold his flat. Then Robin is called to a secondment to investigate a murder in a nearby town, where the locals are tied up in a serial slasher case. Robin said having to explain […]
The Best Corpse for the Job (2014) Charlie Cochrane (Lindenshaw Mysteries) Needed a cozy series, and nothing new was working for me, so I went back to this series. Adam is part of a group interviewing applicants for the headteacher position in his school. Back again. Same classroom, same panel, same anticipation of death by […]
- March 30th, 2023
- Categories: 7/10, British, Cozy, eBook, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Police, Queer, Reread, Romance
A Curious Beginning (2015) Deanna Raybourn narrated by Angèle Masters (Veronica Speedwell) Set in England in 1887 Michael and I have a fair amount of overlap in what we like to read, but there are plenty of genres we separately like. It makes selecting an audiobook to listen to in the car both easier and […]
- March 26th, 2023
- Categories: 8/10, Audio Book, British, Cozy, Female, Good Cover, Historical, Mystery, Queer, Reread
A Sinister Revenge (2023) Deanna Raybourn (Veronica Speedwell) Set in Europe and Great Britain in 1889. Her eighth book opens with Veronica and Tiberius searching Bavaria for Stoker, who ran off after discovering Veronica had a husband–one who was apparently not dead as she thought he was. I feel like this was an excellent way […]
Dead in the Shop (2018) Dahlia Donovan (Grasmere Cottage Mystery) Pudding crawls had become one of their traditions after one of their many Olivers had given up drinking. They’d supported him through Alcoholics Anonymous, and decided to create a way to celebrate without alcohol. Instead of reunions spent in one pub after the other, they […]
- March 21st, 2023
- Categories: 8/10, British, Cozy, eBook, Good Cover, Mystery, Neurodiversity, Novella, Queer, Reread
Dead in the Pond (2018) Dahlia Donovan (Grasmere Cottage Mystery) Bishan found it very difficult to force himself to do anything without understanding the reason. “Would you rather stay?” Yes. “Yes, but if I do it’ll make leaving harder the next time.” They hadn’t restocked his cereal yet. Bishan didn’t feel up to making something […]
- March 21st, 2023
- Categories: 8/10, British, Cozy, eBook, Good Cover, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Neurodiversity, Novella, Queer, Reread
Dead in the Garden (2018) Dahlia Donovan (Grasmere Cottage Mystery) Cinnamon. What did I just read? No matter how many times Valor read it, the cause of death didn’t change. His old schoolmate had been killed by inhaling cinnamon. It had been good for him. Valor didn’t know if he’d have grown into the same […]
- March 21st, 2023
- Categories: 8/10, British, Comfort Read, Cozy, eBook, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Neurodiversity, Novella, Queer, Reread
A Dangerous Madness (2014) Michelle Diener (Regency London) Set in England in 1812 Phoebe’s betrothed’s forceful whisper was as loud as her soft-spoken question, but she bit her tongue. She wondered what her tongue would look like after they’d spent a lifetime together. Maybe one day she’d bite it in half. She ached to break […]
The Emperor’s Conspiracy (2012) Michelle Diener (Regency London) Set in England in 1811. “Em.” Lord Durnham watched as his sister ushered her children out the door in front of her with disbelief. “I don’t understand . . .” He caught Charlotte’s eye as she waited for Ned to go through first, and Charlotte stared straight […]
Nearly a Lady (2011) Alissa Johnson (Haverston Family) Set in Britain during the Napoleonic Wars. “What the devil would I do with a London season?” “Find a husband, I imagine,” was Gideon’s reply. It only served to mystify her further. “What the devil would I do with a husband?” “Obtain long-term financial stability,” Lilly told […]
Banquet of Lies (2013) Michelle Diener (Regency London) Set in London in 1812. After witnessing the murder of her father, Giselle Barrington flees back to London. She cannot give into her grief, for she has to find someone to take the information she holds. (H)e’d be looking for the document he had killed her father […]
- March 5th, 2023
- Categories: 9.5/10, British, Comfort Read, eBook, Food, Good Cover, Historical, Mystery, Reread, Romance
By the Pricking of My Thumbs (1968) Agatha Christie (Tommy & Tuppence) We first met Tommy & Tuppence at the end of the Great War. Mr. Beresford had once had red hair. There were traces of the red still, but most of it had gone that sandy-cum-grey colour that red-headed people so often arrive at […]
N or M? (1941) Agatha Christie (Tommy & Tuppence) It’s 1940 and both Tommy & Tuppence feel useless. “Well, come on, out with it. Nothing doing?” “Nothing doing. They don’t want me in any capacity. I tell you, Tuppence, it’s pretty thick when a man of forty-six is made to feel like a doddering grandfather. […]
Partners in Crime (1929) Agatha Christie (Tommy & Tuppence) A set of intertwined Tommy & Tuppence short stories. A Fairy in the Flat A Pot of Tea The Affair of the Pink Pearl The Adventure of the Sinister Stranger Finessing the King The Case of the Missing Lady Blindman’s Buff The Man in the Mist […]
There Will Be Phlogiston (2014) Alexis Hall (Prosperity) Anstruther Jones is the Phlogiston Baron. Wealth beyond imagine from ignominious beginnings, he wants to be accepted not because he admires society, but because he wants to find companionship. Lady Rosamond Wolfram is on the marriage mart because it is expected of her. She will catch a […]
- January 27th, 2023
- Categories: 8/10, British, eBook, Fantasy, Historical, Novella, Queer, Romance, Sexual Content, Steampunk
Masters in This Hall (2022) K.J. Charles (Lilywhite Boys) Set in England in 1899. John Garland might not have had everything, like his uncle and his cousin, but he was respectable and had a job he was good at. Until it all came crashing down. Now he is heading to his uncle’s house in hopes […]
Lessons for Survivors (2018) Charlie Cochrane (Cambridge Fellows) Set in England in 1919. Jonty and Orlando both survived the war–although not without scars. “It would prove to me that everything was back to normal. That the last five years hadn’t spoiled the world forever.” They walked on in silence, each with his thoughts. “Do you […]