The Missing Page (2021) Cat Sebastian (Page & Sommers) Set in in England in 1947 “The letter from the solicitor said the uncle’s will stipulated that all legatees attend the reading at the family home in Cornwall or forfeit their bequest.” Leo’s eyebrows shot straight up. “Was it his uncle’s dying wish to reenact a […]
- February 18th, 2024
- Categories: 8.5/10, British, eBook, Good Cover, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
The Christmas Appeal (2023) Janice Hallett This story is written as a series of electronic messages and recordings and evidence. A retired DI has sent these bits of evidence to his former detectives to get their opinion and see what conclusions they come up with. In Lower Lockwood the Fairway Players have a yearly Christmas […]
Hither, Page (2019) Cat Sebastian (Page & Sommers) Set in England in 1946. This story reminds me very much of an Agatha Christie, only with boinking. A combination of A Murder is Announced and The Moving Finger. None of the witnesses could suggest a possible motive, nor did any of them think Mrs. Hoggett had […]
- February 16th, 2024
- Categories: 8.5/10, British, eBook, Good Cover, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
The Severed Streets, Audio Book (2015) Paul Cornell narrated by Damian Lynch (Shadow Police) TW: murder (on the page), drug use, death of a main character, general horribleness This story astounds me every single time I read or listen to it. ‘Would you please answer that,’ said Sarah, ‘and tell them to fuck off?’ Quill […]
- February 15th, 2024
- Categories: 9.5/10, Audio Book, British, Fantasy, Good Cover, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Police, Queer, Reread, Sexual Content, Urban
Lady Odelia’s Secret (2022) Jane Steen (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries) Set in England in 1882. As usual, I experienced the strange shock that it was my husband—my Justin—buried under the tall new monument, set apart within its own patch of closely scythed grass. “What do you think?” I asked my sister. “No railing?” She raised her […]
London Falling, Audio Book (2014) Paul Cornell narrated by Damian Lynch (Shadow Police) TW: child abuse, child death, murder, torture, faked suicide, general horribleness. He’d been out, sort of, at his last nick. A few of the lads had asked, so he’d told them. And then his DI, Pete Grieves, had, too, over a pint—deliberately […]
- February 10th, 2024
- Categories: 8.5/10, Audio Book, British, Fantasy, Good Cover, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Police, Queer, Reread, Urban
Mortal Follies (2023) Alexis Hall Set in alternate England in 1841. This isn’t just a story of love and curses and betrayal and hot springs and sacrifices. It’s a story of all those things told by the most unreliable of story tellers. I am that knavish sprite that frights the maidens of the villagery. I […]
Lady Helena Investigates (2018) Jane Steen (Scott-De Quincy Mysteries) Set in England in 1881 It’s too early to make big decisions about your life. You must give yourself time to grieve, Baby. That’s why deepest mourning should be carried out with the mirrors covered, you know. You’re not supposed to be looking at yourself and […]
Tales from the Folly: A Rivers of London Short Story Collection, Audio Book (2020) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by: the author, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, Ben Elliot, Felix Grainger, Sam Peter Jackson, Alex Kingston, Shvorne Marks, and Penelope Rawlins (Rivers of London) Part One: The Peter Grant Stories The Home Crowd Advantage The Domestic The Cockpit The Loneliness […]
Amongst Our Weapons, Audio Book (2020) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) before the PC on the passenger side got a chance to ask Guleed why she was loitering while wearing a hijab in a built-up area, the driver leaned forward to get a look at us and recognized me. “My dad […]
Stubbed Toes and Dating Woes (2023) Dahlia Donovan Niclas Ruiz loves his archeological work. He also has a huge crush on his brother’s best friend. Falk “Grizz” Evensen is content with his life. He has his own business (which he runs with the help of his best friend) and is successful. But his life is […]
False Value, Audio Book (2020) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) Johnson had made a point of calling the human resources department “HR” rather than its official internal company name, the Magrathean Ape-Descended Life Form Utilization Service, just as he called the department I had just joined “Security” rather than the Vogon […]
A Holiday By Gaslight (2018) Mimi Matthews Set in England in 1861 Sophie’s father keeps improving their country estate–whether they have the funds to do so or not–so when wealthy manufacturer asks permission to court her, the family agrees. But despite wanting to help her family, Sophie also wants to be happy. Is it so […]
Bodies from the Library: Lost Tales of Mystery and Suspense from the Golden Age of Detection (2018) ‘Before Insulin’ by J.J. Connington (1936) ‘The Inverness Cape’ by Leo Bruce (1952) ‘Dark Waters’ by Freeman Wills Crofts (1953) ‘Linckes’ Great Case’ by Georgette Heyer (1923) ‘Calling James Braithwaite’ by Nicholas Blake (1940) ‘The Elusive Bullet’ by […]
Rivers of London Vol. 10: Deadly Ever After (2022) Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, Celeste Bronfman, Joseph Maria Beroy Honestly, I dislike almost everything about this. I don’t like Chelsea and Olympia. I really REALLY don’t like the art. I mean, what the hell kind of wetsuit would do THAT? The thrown in bits with the […]
Lies Sleeping, Audio Book (2018) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) The nanny landed like a cat on the pavement in what I thought was clear defiance of the laws of physics. I don’t care how supple you are, landing like that from three stories up should have driven her shin bones […]
A Kiss for Midwinter (2012) Courtney Milan (Brothers Sinister) Set in England in 1862 He hadn’t chosen to become a doctor so that he could foretell the death of children. He’d been seduced by the stories—the stories of John Snow saving hundreds of lives by careful observation, of men who noticed the world around them […]
- January 12th, 2024
- Categories: 10/10, British, Comfort Read, eBook, Good Cover, Historical, Novella, Physical Health, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
A Christmas Dance (2014) Alissa Johnson Miss Byerly did not feature in his matrimonial plans. Pity, really, that she wasn’t a bit softer. He’d spoken to her once or twice before and she seemed an intelligent sort, with an efficiency of speech and manner he appreciated. But he wasn’t in need of additional efficiency in […]
- January 12th, 2024
- Categories: 8.5/10, British, Comfort Read, eBook, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Novella, Physical Health, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
The Hanging Tree , Audio Book (2017) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) She really had no idea what she was asking for, but I knew better than to try and explain. “Understood,” I said. “And Peter,” said Lady Ty, “Nightingale is not to know about this—is that clear?” “Crystal,” I said. […]
- January 7th, 2024
- Categories: 9/10, Audio Book, British, Comfort Read, Good Cover, Mystery, Police, Queer, Reread, Urban
The Furthest Station, Audio Book (2017) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) Don’t get me wrong, I like the countryside. In fact, some of my best friends are geographical features. It’s just a tricky place to operate in. Boudicca’s burial site at Kings Cross—remember that?” We’d done it as a field trip—Platform […]
- January 5th, 2024
- Categories: 9.5/10, Audio Book, British, Comfort Read, Good Cover, Mystery, Novella, Police, Queer, Reread, Urban
What Abigail Did That Summer, Audio Book (2021) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Shvorne Marks & Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) “Are you wearing a collar?” “Good, isn’t it?” says Indigo. “I’m undercover as a dog. Lets me move about in the Brick in daylight.” What she looks like is a big fox wearing a collar. […]
Mrs. Holloway’s Christmas Pudding (2023) Jennifer Ashley (Kat Holloway Mysteries) Set in London in 1882 There have been two Mrs. Holloway novellas this year, and this one is focused more on Mrs. Holloway. It’s almost Christmas and everyone is getting ready for the holiday. We’d had an excess of the fruit, which Mrs. Bywater had […]
Foxglove Summer Audio Book (2014) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) it was clear that requests for assistance were now being routed through the Police National Information Coordination Center (PNICC), commonly pronounced “panic”—particularly if you’ve reached the stage of having to call it. The problem was that once the government pushed through […]
- January 1st, 2024
- Categories: 9.5/10, Audio Book, British, Comfort Read, Good Cover, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Police, Queer, Reread, Sexual Content, Urban
Broken Homes, Audio Book (2014) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) People have got the wrong idea about police territoriality—a full-scale murder inquiry is going to set you back a quarter of a million quid minimum. If Manderly could dump it on the Met then it would be our budget and our […]
Whispers Under Ground, Audio Book (2012) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) My mum translated this in her head to “witchfinder,” which was good because like most West Africans, she considered witchfinding a more respectable profession than policeman. this was a murder inquiry, and woe betide any officer who breaks the chain […]
Moon Over Soho, Audio Book (2012) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) People don’t like to speak ill of the dead even when they’re monsters, let alone when they’re loved ones. People like to forget any bad things that someone did and why should they remember? It’s not like they’re going to […]
Midnight Riot, Audio Book (2012) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) So Newton, like all good seventeenth-century intellectuals, wrote in Latin because that was the international language of science, philosophy and, I found out later, upmarket pornography. “You’ve been dead for two hundred years, Henry,” I said. “I’m fairly certain you can’t […]
The Mysterious Mr. Quin (1930) Agatha Christie The Passing of Mr. Quinn Grand Magazine (1923) The Shadow on the Glass Grand Magazine October (1923) At the ‘Bells and Motley’ A Man of Magic Grand Magazine (1925) The Sign in the Sky The Police Magazine (1925) / A Sign in the Sky Grand Magazine (1925) The […]
The Last Devil to Die (2023) Richard Osman (Thursday Murder Club) TW: Dementia, Death of a recurring character, Grief The 4th (and most recent) Thursday Murder Club mystery finds Stephen succumbing to his battle with dementia. Stephen doesn’t always know who Bogdan is these days, but he likes his calmness. He fell asleep on Bogdan’s […]
A Kiss for Midwinter (2012) Courtney Milan (Brothers Sinister) Set in England in 1864 Jonas Grantham worked hard to rise above his beginnings and to become a doctor. He’d been seduced by the stories—the stories of John Snow saving hundreds of lives by careful observation, of men who noticed the world around them and cared […]
- November 30th, 2023
- Categories: 9/10, British, eBook, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Novella, Physical Health, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
A Power Unbound (2023) Freya Marske (The Last Binding) Set in England in 1909 The final book in the Last Binding Trilogy centers on Alston, Lord Hawthorn who has been arrogant and supercilious throughout the series, but here becomes Jack, and Alan, Alanzo Rossi, who met Alston, Maud, and Violet on the ship from America […]
- November 27th, 2023
- Categories: 8.5/10, Alternate History, British, eBook, Fantasy, Good Cover, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Queer, Romance, Sexual Content
Murder at Midnight (2023) Katharine Schellman (Lily Adler) Set in England in 1816 The fourth Lily Adler book finds her at a house party with her late husband’s family, Matthew Spenser, and the Hartleys. Lily had always found their custom of calling each other by their middle names—the names chosen by their mother, rather than […]
A Restless Truth (2022) Freya Marske (Last Binding) Set in England in 1908 (or so) One of the things I especially like about this series are the lovely secondary characters. “Miss Debenham,” he said, warm with pride, “meet Lady Albert Barton. My wife.” Oh. Lady Albert Barton rolled her eyes and sat down heavily on […]
- November 5th, 2023
- Categories: 8.5/10, Alternate History, British, eBook, Good Cover, Historical, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
The Rise: A Short Story (2023) Ian Rankin I keep moving a reread of the Inspector Rebus series up my TBR pile, but never quite actually start rereading. Possibly because the first book is one of my least favorites, and partially because the stories tend to be somewhat dark. This story was not dark. There […]
A Murderous Relation, Audio Edition (2020) Deanna Raybourn narrated by Angele Masters (Veronica Speedwell) Set in England in 1888 I apparently enjoyed this more listening than I did originally reading. his argument is as specious as Lamarck’s Theory of Inheritance. It seemed wildly unfair that he had proverbial first crack at searching her things when […]
Winter’s Gifts (2023) Ben Aaronovitch (Rivers of London) Kimberly Reynold’s met Peter Grant during Whispers Underground, and they have kept in touch since. Probably because Kimberly is now stuck dealing with all the Weird Stuff. I wasn’t sure how I felt about a whole book with Kimberly. Mama is not a fan of the federal […]
The Price of Lemon Cake (2023) Jennifer Ashley (Below Stairs Mysteries Novella / Kat Holloway) Set in London in 1882. Although Kat Holloway makes an appearance in this story, it is about Lady Bobby Perry and told from her point of view. Bobby is in love with Judith, and in this story we learn more […]
- October 22nd, 2023
- Categories: 7.5/10, British, Cozy, eBook, Food, Good Cover, Historical, Mystery, Novella, Queer
Death at the Manor (2022) Katharine Schellman (Lily Adler) Set in England in 1815. Jack’s ship is repaired and ready to return to see, and Lily is headed to the country to visit her aunt. “Will you write me?” “Of course. I shall tell you how revered I am aboard ship and how no one […]
The Thursday Murder Club, Audio Book (2020) Richard Osman narrated by Lesley Manville (Thursday Murder Club) “Bernard wants to be left in silence, Ron,” says Ibrahim. “That’s what he tells me.” “Fat chance of that with me around,” says Ron. “If any of this ever gets back to Kent Police, I will personally arrest you […]
Silence in the Library (2021) Katharine Schellman (Lily Adler) Set in London in 1815 Lily Adler has slowly getting back into life in London, when she received an unexpected visitor: her father. The man disapproves of absolutely everything she does–and isn’t quiet about his opinions. Although she doesn’t appreciate his demands or her presence, she […]
Four Walls and a Heart (2023) Celia Lake (Charms of Albion) Set in the hidden magical part of England in 1884 Magni has served in the Guard for several years, and is told he is about to have changes in his job–including a promotion. Gil left the Guard to join the army, against the wishes […]
- October 9th, 2023
- Categories: British, eBook, Fantasy, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Novella, Physical Health, Queer, Romance, Sexual Content
The Body in the Garden (2020) Katharine Schellman Set in England in 1815. Lily Adler has returned to London in an attempt to restart her life after the loss of her husband. Lily had to take a deep breath before she could respond. It had been two years, but her chest still clenched almost too […]
The Bullet That Missed (2022) Richard Osman (Thursday Murder Club) The gang are back together (they were never apart, actually) and have decided to look into the murder of a young newscaster, partially because it is an interesting case (no body was ever found) and partially because Joyce wants to meet the man she worked […]
Murder Most Actual (2021) Alexis Hall Clue, but with a married lesbian couple. (N)ext to the real log fire sat an equally real, although substantially less loggish, gentleman dressed in a manner that might have been called natty at around the time people used the word natty, but which now read more as hipsterish. Mr […]
A Marvellous Light (2021) Freya Marske (The Last Binding) Set in England in 1908 Another time period I love–not yet modernity, but some of the trappings are starting to appear. A chauffeur was not needed. Robin referred vaguely to friends of his who owned motorcars and had taught him the knack of it in Hyde […]
- September 16th, 2023
- Categories: 8.5/10, Alternate History, British, eBook, Fantasy, Good Cover, Historical, Mystery, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content
A Botanist’s Guide to Parties and Poisons (2022) Kate Khavari (Saffron Everleigh) Set in England in 1923 Saffron Everleigh a research assistant in University College London, and very few people believe she earned and deserved her degree and position (Because: 1923). Safforn feels she owes everything to her mentor, Dr Maxwell, so when a woman […]
The Man Who Died Twice (2021) Richard Osman (Thursday Murder Club) This series is just fun, After the adventures of the last book, Joyce has perhaps become a little bored. “Do you think a dog might be good company?” asks Joyce. “I thought I might either get a dog or join Instagram.” Ibrihim also has […]
A Queer Trade (2016) K.J. Charles (Rag and Bone) “It’s the way of things. Burn your love letters, or have ’em put in the ground with you, or they’ll be tomorrow’s packing paper.” Hall gave a slightly rueful smile. “I put ’em aside for packing, when I notice, rather than foul use.” Publisher: KJ Charles […]
- August 31st, 2023
- Categories: 7.5/10, British, eBook, Fantasy, Novella, Queer, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content, Supernatural
Once a Rogue (2023) Allie Therin (Roaring Twenties Magic) Set in New York in 1925 I wish I’d been better able to focus, because I love Allie Therin’s stories. In fact, I was hoping that the story would allow me to focus on something outside of myself. The failing is mine, not the story’s. I’ll […]
- August 27th, 2023
- Categories: 7/10, British, eBook, Good Cover, Historical, Mental Health Rep, Mystery, Queer, Romance, Sexual Content, Supernatural
The Thursday Murder Club (2020) Richard Osman (Thursday Murder Club) At a luxury retirement home, every Thursday, meets the Thursday Murder Club, where the four members look into unsolved crimes and try and figure them out to their satisfaction. There is Ron. Back in the days when he was in the papers, they called him […]