
Kristi Charish

Books: Fantasy

Owl and the Japanese Circus (2015)

Owl and the Japanese Circus (2015)

Owl-Japanese-CircusThis wasn't a throw-across-the-room bad book, but also wasn't good.

Owl is a former archaeology grad student who was manipulated and forced out of her program.

She is also selfish and irritating and self-absorbed.

Her only good quality is her cat, who senses and attacks vampires, but even the bits with Captain were far-fetched. (Just a couple hours to train a cat? That is a pure fantasy.)

I finished this book solely so I could have a sense of accomplishment and I was curious as to how the problems would be resolved, but I can't said I read the second half of the book that closely (being a fast reader who is able to skim is a very useful skill sometimes) which is okay, because it wasn't worth it.

On the positive side, it wasn't full of typos and grammatical mistakes and continuity errors. But that's about all I'm willing to give it.

Published by Gallery Books

Rating: 4/10