Christopher Barzak
Books: Fantasy | Short Stories
The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales (2007), Firebirds Soaring (2009), The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People (2010), Teeth: Vampire Tales (2011), Magic City: Recent Spells (2014)
The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales (2007) edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling
I love short stories. Aside from collections by Charles de Lint, I best love anthologies by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling best. Their books are like comfort food, and I save them up for when I'm sick or feeling low.
In the same vein as The Green Man and The Faerie Reel, Datlow and Windling have this time collected stories about tricksters, and they've got some of my favorite authors in this collection: Charles de Lint, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Ellen Kushner. As usual, they manage to collect stories by some of my favorite story tellers.
- One Odd Shoe by Pat Murphy
- Coyote Woman by Carolyn Dunn
- Wagers of Gold Mountain by Steve Berman
- The Listeners by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
- Realer than You by Christopher Barzak
- The Fiddler of Bayou Teche by Delia Sherman
- A Tale for the Short Days by Richard Bowes
- Friday Night at St. Cecilia's by Ellen Klages
- The Fortune Teller by Patricia A. McKillip
- How Raven Made his Bride by Theodora Goss
- Crow Roads by Charles de Lint
- The Chamber of Music Animals by Katharine Vaz
- Uncle Bob's Visits by Caroline Stevermer
- Uncle Tompa by Midori Snyder
- Cat of the World by Michael Cadnum
- Honored Guest by Ellen Kushner
- Always the Same Story by Elizabeth E. Wein
- The Senorita and the Cactus Thorn by Kim Antieau
- Black Rock Blues by Will Shetterly
- The Constable of Abal by Holly Black
- God Clown by Carol Emshwiller
- The Other Labyrinnth by Jedediah Berry
- The Dreaming Wind by Jeffery Ford
- Kwaku Anansi Walks the World's Web by Jane Yolen
- The Evolution of Trickster Stories Amount the Dogs of North Park after the Change by Kij Johnson
If like short story collections, or trickster tales, then you will want to read The Coyote Road. It has stories from many of my favorite writers, and as with all their collections, I was delighted to discover new authors for whom I'll be on the lookout.
Published by Viking
Rating: 9/10
Firebirds Soaring (2009) edited by Sharyn November

- A Ticket to Ride by Nancy Farmer
- A Thousand Tails by Christopher Barzak
- All Under Heaven by Chris Roberson
- Singing On a Star by Ellen Klages
- Egg Magic by Louise Marley
- Flatland by Kara Dalkey
- Dolly the Dog by Soldier by Candas Jane Dorsey
- Ferryman by Margo Lanagan
- The Ghosts of Strangers by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
- Twilight Tales by Jo Walton
- The Dignity He's Due by Carol Emshwiller
- Power and Magic by Marly Youmans
- Courtship by Sherwood Smith
- Little Red by Jane Yolen & Adam Stemple
- The Myth of Fenix by Laurel Winter
- Fear and Loathing in Lalanna by Nick O'Donohoe
- Bone by Chewer's Legacy by Clare Bell
- Something Worth Doing by Elizabeth E. Wein
Published by Firebird
The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People (2010) edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling
- "Island Lake" by E. Catherine Tobler
- "The Puma's Daughter" by Tanith Lee
- "Map of Seventeen" by Christopher Barzak
- "The Selkie Speaks" by Delia Sherman
- "Bear's Bride" by Johanna Sinisalo
- "The Abominable Child's Tale" by Carol Emshwiller
- "The Hikikomori" by Hiromi Goto
- "The Comeuppance of Creegus Maxin" by Gregory Frost
- "Ganesha" by Jeffrey Ford
- "The Elephant's Bride" by Jane Yolen
- "The Children of Cadmus" by Ellen Kushner
- "The White Doe Mourns Her Childhood" by Jeanine Hall Gailey
- "The White Doe's Love Song" by Jeanine Hall Gailey
- "The White Doe Decides" by Jeanine Hall Gailey
- "Coyote and Valorosa" by Terra L. Gearheart
- "One Thin Dime" by Stewart Moore
- "The Monkey Bride" by Midori Snyder
- "Pishaach" by Shweta Narayan
- "The Salamander Fire" by Marly Youmans
- "The Margay's Children" by Richard Bowes
- "Thumbleriggery and Fledglings" by Steve Berman
- "The Flock" by Lucius Shepard
- "The Children of the Shark God" by Peter Beagle
- "Rosina" by Nan Fry
Viking Books for Young Readers
Teeth: Vampire Tales (2011) edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling
This is an Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling anthology, so as always, there are fascinating bits of folklore.
Rice, not garlic, was the most effective means of keeping Chinese vampires at bay, for they had a strange compulsion to count. Throwing rice at the ghost compelled it to stop; it would not move again until each grain was counted.
- "Things to Know About Being Dead" by Genevieve Valentine
- "All Smiles" by Steve Berman
- "Gap Year" by Christopher Barzak
- "Bloody Sunrise" by Neil Gaiman
- "Flying" by Delia Sherman
- "Vampire Weather" by Garth Nix
- "Late Bloomer" by Suzy McKee Charnas
- "The List of Definite Endings" by Kaaron Warren
- "Best Friends Forever" by Cecil Castellucci
- "Sit the Dead" by Jeffrey Ford
- "Sunbleached" by Nathan Ballingrud
- "Baby" by Kathe Koja
- "In the Future When All's Well" by Catherynne M. Valente
- "Transition" by Melissa Marr
- "History" by Ellen Kushner
- "The Perfect Dinner Party" by Cassandra Clare & Holly Black
- "Slice of Life" by Lucius Shepard
- "My Generation" by Emma Bull
- "Why Light?" by Tanith Lee
"Gap Year" by Christopher Barzak is Loretta's story, and how sometimes childhood friends aren't the friends you think they are.
As expected, this was a very good anthology, and although I didn't like the horror or the poetry, that's a failing of mine, not the anthology.
Published by Harper Collins
Rating: 8/10
Magic City: Recent Spells (2014) edited by Paula Guran
- "Street Wizard" by Simon R. Green
- "Paranormal Romance" by Christopher Barzak
- "Grand Central Park" by Delia Sherman
- "Spellcaster 2.0" by Jonathan Maberry
- "Wallamelon" by Nisi Shawl
- "-30-" by Caitlín R. Kiernan
- "Seeing Eye" by Patricia Briggs
- "Stone Man" by Nancy Kress
- "In the Stacks" by Scott Lynch
- "A Voice Like a Hole" by Catherynne M. Valente
- "The Arcane Art of Misdirection" by Carrie Vaughn
- "Thief of Precious Things" by A.C. Wise
- "The Land of Heart's Desire" by Holly Black
- "Snake Charmer" by Amanda Downum
- "The Slaughtered Lamb" by Elizabeth Bear
- "The Woman Who Walked with Dogs" by Mary Rosenblum
- "Words" by Angela Slatter
- "Dog Boys" by Charles de Lint
- "Alchemy" by Lucy Sussex
- "Curses" by Jim Butcher
- "De la Tierra" by Emma Bull
- "Stray Magic" by Diana Peterfreund
- "Kabu Kabu" by Nnedi Okorafor
- "Pearlywhite" by Mark Laidlaw and John Shirley
"Paranormal Romance" by Christopher Barzak is the story of a witch of makes love spells, but whose magic doesn't work for her. So her mother sets her up on a blind date.
When Myspace and Facebook came around, and her mother began commenting on photos Sheila had posted from some of her date nights with statements like, "He's a hottie!" and "Now that's a keeper!" Sheila had had to block her mother.
I really liked this story.
All in all this is a marvelous collection, that I highly recommend.
Published by Prime Books
Rating: 8.5/10