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Archive for 'British'

The Labours of Lord Perry Cavendish

The Labours of Lord Perry Cavendish (2021) Joanna Chambers (Winterbourne) Set in England in 1824 Six months ago, Perry Cavendish had been shocked to discover his best friend–Lysander Winterbourne had the same inclinations he did–and was in love with the man he was working for. After several months of drowning his sorrows, Peregrine finally takes […]

Where There’s a Kilt, There’s a Way

Where There’s a Kilt, There’s a Way (2021) Ella Stainton (Kilty Pleasures) Set in Scotland and Sweden in 1930 Joachim Cockburn and Ainsley Graham have been looking for summer positions to broaden their fields; specifically Jochaim wants to change how patients in asylums are treated, and hopes that working at a prestigious university will give […]

Ghost Light Killer

Ghost Light Killer (2021) Dahlia Donovan (London Podcast Mystery) I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read by Dahlia Donovan, but especially her mysteries. Unfortunately, the mystery was off in this book for me. The characters and their interactions I still enjoyed very much. Dannel had a habit of never leaving or having Osian go without saying “I […]

An Unexpected Peril

An Unexpected Peril (2021) Deanna Raybourn (Veronica Speedwell) Set in London in 1889 Veronica and Stoker are now coworkers but also romantic companions, and despite everything, they continue to get along well. I reflected bitterly. For now that I had joined myself in affection to Stoker, I could no longer run from myself as I […]

His Majesty’s Dragon

His Majesty’s Dragon (2006) Naomi Novik (Temeraire) Set during the Napoleonic Wars, but with dragons. Michael has been listening to the Aubrey–Maturin series, and I wasn’t quite up for that, but decide that a revisiting of Temeraire would fit the bill. Captain Will Laurence of the HMS Reliant does not expect his life to be […]

A Fiancée’s Guide to First Wives and Murder

A Fiancée’s Guide to First Wives and Murder (2021) Dianne Freeman (A Countess of Harleigh Mystery) Set in England in 1899 Frances is looking quite forward to marrying George Hazleton. She successfully launched her sister, and things were looking up–until a young Frenchwoman is brought to Frances’ house, claiming to be George’s wife. She’s also […]

A Lady’s Formula for Love

A Lady’s Formula for Love (2021) Elizabeth Everett (The Secret Scientists of London) Set in London in 1842. Now that Lady Violet is a widow, she can do all the chemistry experiments she wants AND she can fund a Lady’s Society that is really a secret laboratory where women and be scientists. But after her […]

The Devil in Music

The Devil in Music (1997) Kate Ross (Julian Kestrel) Set in Italy in 1821 & 1825 I put it off for awhile, but finally read the last Julian Kestrel mystery. I don’t know for certain, but I feel like she knew this would be her final book, and so made sure to give us Julian’s […]

The Queer Principles of Kit Webb

The Queer Principles of Kit Webb (2021) Cat Sebastian Set in England in 1751. After a carriage hold up that cost him the full use of his leg as well as his best friend, Kit Webb decided to take over the running of his coffee shop. There might be some planning and deals and fencing […]

Pierced Peony

Pierced Peony (2021) Dahlia Donovan (Motts Cold Case Mystery Series) When an inspector from London comes to visit Motts about a cold case from her childhood, the two unexpectedly discover another body–opening another cold case. “You’ll never guess what I’ve learned.” “Marnie.” Motts was amused at how everyone around her, aside from the policemen in […]

Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake

Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake (2021) Alexis Hall (Winner Bakes All) Rosaline Palmer gave up medical school to become a single mother. “The last bold thing I did was decide I was keeping the baby, and while I’m glad I did, as decisions go it’s not exactly been without consequences.” She loves her daughter, and […]

Poisoned Primrose

Poisoned Primrose Dahlia Donovan (2020) Poisoned Primrose (Motts Cold Case Mystery) Motts is a 39 year-old asexual, biromantic autistic who is living on her own for the first time in a house left to her by her aunt. Unfortunately, when digging up the untended garden, remains are discovered, which causes no end of problems for […]

Subtle Blood

Subtle Blood (2021) KJ Charles (The Will Darling Adventures) Set in London ~1924 Will Darling is finally somewhat comfortable in his relationship with Kim Secretan, even if they continue to have to hide they are more than just acquaintances. Will is also finally doing a decent job with the bookstore he inherited–due in part to […]

An Unsuitable Heir

An Unsuitable Heir (2017) KJ Charles (Sins of the Cities) Set in London in 1873 “What does he do?” Pen paused. “He didn’t say, actually. We mostly talked about, well, me.” “No wonder you think he’s charming.” Pen blinked. “You’re an anarchist about the laws of nature?” “I’m not an anarchist at all, same as […]

An Unnatural Vice

An Unnatural Vice (2017) KJ Charles (Sins of the Cities) Set in London in 1873 He looked like the sin of angels, like the sweetest fruit at the goblin market, and Nathaniel despised everything about him. Justin stayed upstairs until he heard the door shut. Some people would call it flagrant physical cowardice to leave […]

An Unseen Attraction

An Unseen Attraction (2017) KJ Charles (Sins of the Cities) Set in London in 1873 (T)hey said the eyes were the windows to the soul, and Clem didn’t feel comfortable peering into people’s windows. Clem was not a man you could read like a book, or if you could, the book was in an unfamiliar […]

Cards & Caravans

Cards & Caravans (2015) Cindy Spencer Pape (The Gaslight Chronicles) Set in Scotland in 1859 Connor–who had been certain he’d been in love with Wink for decades, has gone off to Scotland. And instantly falls in love. As does the woman he ends up rescuing from being burned at the stake as a witch. Yes, […]

Moonlight & Mechanicals

Moonlight & Mechanicals (2012) Cindy Spencer Pape (The Gaslight Chronicles) Set in England in 1858 I have zero memory of reading this story. You’d think I’d have remembered, considering how pleased I am that she put in the many dangerous side effects of a coal-based steampunk society. Every day, Londoners too poor to employ air […]

Kilts & Kraken

Kilts & Kraken (2012) Cindy Spencer Pape (Gaslight Chronicles) Set in Scotland in 1858 Dr. Geneva MacKay has worked hard to become a physician, but will still occasionally help out her father, who believed in her and helped her reach her dreams. Magnus, Baron Findlay is the Laird of Torkholm Island, and tied intimately to […]

Photographs & Phantoms

Photographs & Phantoms (2011) Cindy Spencer Pape (The Gaslight Chronicles) Set in England in 1855 Kendall Lake has gone to Brighton to check on the great-niece of Lord Drood, who has reported a strange happening at her photography studio. She didn’t consider her photos a labor—they were an extension of her very soul. Giving it […]

Steam & Sorcery

Steam & Sorcery (2011) Cindy Spencer Pape (Gaslight Chronicles) Set in London in 1851 Sir Merrick Hadrian is a Knight of the Order of the Round Table–a secret organization going back to the days of King Arthur, tasked with keeping England safe from supernatural threats. Miss Caroline Bristol has been working as a governess since […]

Short Stories: KJ Charles

Short Stories: KJ Charles “Five for Heaven” (2019) A Charm of Magpies 3.5 Set in Nagasaki, three years after A Flight of Magpies (15 pages) “A Confidential Problem” (2016) Society of Gentleman 2.5 Set in England in 1820 (14 pages) “A Private Miscellany” (2016) Society of Gentlemen 3.5 Set in London & Berlin in 1821 […]

Tales from the Folly: A Rivers of London Short Story Collection, Audio Edition

Tales from the Folly: A Rivers of London Short Story Collection (2020) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by: the author, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, Ben Elliot, Felix Grainger, Sam Peter Jackson, Alex Kingston, Shvorne Marks, and Penelope Rawlins PART ONE: THE PETER GRANT STORIES The Home Crowd Advantage The Domestic The Cockpit The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Granny King […]

Stiletto, Audio Edition

Stiletto (2016) Daniel O’Malley narrated by Moira Quirk “But where did you get my urine?” she asked. “The Checquy has samples of everyone’s everything,” said Odgers cheerfully. “Remember, during your time at the Estate, they kept taking specimens of your every fluid and solid?” “That was for scientific research!” exclaimed Felicity. “And it was years […]

Flight of Magpies

Flight of Magpies (2014) KJ Charles Stephen stuffed his hands in the pockets of the topcoat that Crane had insisted on buying him for this chilly winter. It had been a great deal more expensive than Stephen, who accepted gifts with startling gracelessness, had wanted; a great deal cheaper than Crane would have preferred; unsatisfactory […]

Spectred Isle

Spectred Isle (2017) KJ Charles (Green Men) Set in England in 1923 Saul’s professional instincts were shaped by his doctorate in archaeology from Oxford and two years working on excavations in Mesopotamia. Major Peabody believed that if the ravens left the Tower of London, the city would fall. He hadn’t given a damn about Saul’s […]

The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal

The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal (2013) KJ Charles Set in England 1894 to 1914 He was covered in writing. It was scrawled in black and red ink, from wrist to shoulder of both muscular arms, across his broad, powerful shoulders and chest. None of it was in a language I recognised, or could read, […]

Equal Rites

Equal Rites (1987) Terry Pratchett (Discworld) “So you’re going to sort of die?” “Oh yes.” The cat purred as the fingers tickled it behind the ear. The smith looked embarrassed. “When?” The wizard thought for a moment. “In about six minutes’ time.” “Oh.” “Don’t worry,” said the wizard. “I’m quite looking forward to it, to […]

A Case of Possession

A Case of Possession (2014) KJ Charles (A Charm of Magpies) “An honest mandarin.” There was a dubious murmur at that. Most of those present regarded bribery as something between a handy tool and a form of tax; none of them had high opinions of mandarins of any nationality. “I beg your pardon,” he began, […]

The Magpie Lord

The Magpie Lord (2013) KJ Charles (A Charm of Magpies) I can’t bear it. He’d never said the words in thirty-seven years, not even in the times of hunger and degradation. He wanted to say them now. Merrick frowned. “Got to fight it, my lord.” “Fight what? Give me something to fight, and I’ll fight […]

That Kind of Guy

That Kind of Guy (2019) Talia Hibbert (Ravenswood) (N)ecessity was the mother of every skill Zach had. Growing up poor with a busy single parent and a missing older brother had led him to learn a lot of practical shit at a very young age. The hard way. And those skills had never been allowed […]


Untouchable (2018) Talia Hibbert (Ravenswood) “So, just to be clear,” she said slowly, “you are not concerned by my numerous criminal convictions.” “Nah. I’m used to having a convicted criminal in the house.” “You… are?” “Yeah.” He leaned in close, his expression conspiratorial, and she couldn’t help it— she leaned in too. Then he whispered, […]

Damaged Goods

Damaged Goods (2018) Talia Hibbert (Ravenswood) The worst thing about Samir’s parents— worse than the cruelty, the manipulation, the toxicity— was the fact that Samir had loved them. She was pregnant, and pregnant people were like the Pope, right? You had to treat them with total respect, even in your own head, just in case […]

A Girl Like Her

A Girl Like Her (2018) Talia Hibbert (Ravenswood) Avoiding conflict was his mode of operation. They’d taught him that at basic training, once they’d figured out his hair-trigger temper. Always avoid conflict. That was what they called it. Distant. Words like depressed were for girls with English mothers. She wasn’t graceful. She was, in fact, […]

Band Sinister

Band Sinister (2018) KJ Charles Set in England ~1811 “It’s all perfectly decent,” Amanda said. “Or at least, if it isn’t, the indecent parts are only hinted at, which means they’re in your head. I can’t be held responsible for your thoughts going awry.” “Oh yes you can,” Guy said with feeling. “What do you […]

Shadows of the Heart

Shadows of the Heart (1996) Tracy Grant (Lescaut Quartet Book) Set in Scotland in 1817 Only a woman accustomed to servants would have so many tiny fastenings on the back of her dress. Wilkins stared at the flock. At the other huts they’d searched, the sheep had been grazing farther afield. But the day was […]

The Rook, Audio Edition

The Rook (2012) Daniel O’Malley narrated by Susan Duerden Dear You, The body you are wearing used to be mine. The scar on the inner left thigh is there because I fell out of a tree and impaled my leg at the age of nine. The filling in the far left tooth on the top […]

Shores of Desire

Shores of Desire (1997) Tracy Grant (Lescaut Quartet) Set in Scotland, Belgium, and France in 1815 “I’m sorry.” Melton’s eyes warmed with sympathy. “I wish there was more I could say. But if there are words that ease such a grief, I have yet to discover them.” “Don’t worry, Em. Leave it to the men.” […]

Whom the Gods Love

Whom the Gods Love (1995) Kate Ross (Julian Kestrel Mysteries) Set in England in 1825. So there you have it, Mr. Kestrel. I’m appealing to you as a father, as a man of law, as a British subject— Why can I never say anything simply? After twenty years at the Bar, a man forgets what […]

Dark Angel

Dark Angel (1994) Tracy Grant (Lescaut Quartet) Set in Spain and England in 1813 Caroline had not understood why he chose instead to go to India as private secretary to a private citizen of scholarly bent who could offer him no hope of riches or advancement. “The Company don’t employ men of mixed blood,” her […]

A Broken Vessel

A Broken Vessel (1994) Kate Ross (Julian Kestrel Mysteries) Set in England in 1824 “I know you think my life is somewhat lacking in purpose.” “I think you fritter away your time, if that’s what you mean.” “I liked the way I put it better.” “We require them to confess their sins, as the first […]

Cut to the Quick

Cut to the Quick (1993) Kate Ross (Julian Kestrel Mysteries) Set in England in 1823. “If everyone who died with unpunished sins on his conscience came back as a ghost, the living would be crowded out of every home in England.” “You’re cynical. I thought you would be. Can you sneer?” “With terrifying effect.” “Oh, […]

The Unknown Ajax

The Unknown Ajax (1959) Georgette Heyer Set in England in 1817 Lord Darracott’s eldest son has died, and now he (and the family) must accept the Major Hugo Darracott, son of Lord Darracott’s next oldest son, who none of met because Hugo’s father was in disgrace. I collect that the weaver’s son is the offspring […]

Work for It

Work for It (2019) Talia Hibbert (Just for Him) “Everyone said he was handsome, but this is just silly.” “He’s staring a hole into you, Griff. No, don’t look, you donkey. Trust me. Have I ever steered you wrong?” I finally take my shot and fluff it. “Year 2, you told me to pick up […]

Undone by the Ex-Con

Undone by the Ex-Con (2018) Talia Hibbert Just like that, her mind— and its thoughts— disappeared. She was only a body now. How beautiful that was. After testing and noting down her blood sugar, Lizzie undressed and took her insulin. She’d had a discreet word with the hotel manager yesterday afternoon; now her little fridge […]

Bad for the Boss

Bad for the Boss (2017) Talia Hibbert He turned to his right and found a group of sober-ish women. “Excuse me; I don’t know this girl, but I think someone needs to look after her.” The women blinked at him, then at the girl, and then, as though choreographed, they smiled all at once. “Hey, […]

Bringing Down the Duke

Bringing Down the Duke (2019) Evie Dunmore (A League of Extraordinary Women) Set in England in 1879. Annabelle Archer has finally earned a place at Oxford. Only now, she has to convince her cousin she deserves to go–despite the fact her doing so will inconvenience him, as he’ll lose his free maid of all work. […]

A Wicked Conceit

A Wicked Conceit (2021) Anna Lee Huber (Lady Darby Mystery #9) Set in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1832 Lady Darby is very pregnant at the start of this book, so it was clear she was going to the baby at the end of the book. “Let’s hope she doesn’t end up having the baby in some […]

The Toll-Gate

The Toll-Gate (1954) Georgette Heyer Set in England in 1817. Captain John Staple is bit bored, back from the war, and his mother and sister are pushing him to get married and settle down. (E)veryone seemed to feel that it was time John settled down to a life of civilian respectability. He felt it himself, […]

After the Scrum

After the Scrum (2014) Dahlia Donovan (Sin Bin) Caddock Stanford lost his brother, lost his place on the national rugby team, and became the parent to his young nephew. So he wants a place to start over, to make a new life for himself and Devlin. “Looe’s a brilliant place for starting fresh. Oh, and […]