
C.J. Cherryh

Books: Fantasy | Science Fiction

Rusalka (1989), Chernevog (1990)

Thieves' World: Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn (1980), Storm Season (1982), The Face of Chaos (1983), Wings of Omen (1984), The Dead of Winter (1985), Soul of the City (1986), Blood Ties (1986), Uneasy Alliances (1988), Stealers' Sky (1989)

Enemies of Fortune (2004)

Anthologies: A Magic-Lover's Treasury of the Fantastic (1998)

C.J. Cherryh has written a great deal in both Science Fiction and Fantasy genres. She participated in the dark fantasy series Thieves' World, creating the vampire-witch, Ischade, among others (I really like Ischade).

Rusalka and Chernevog are grounded in Russian folklore. I found these, at times, to be difficult to read.

Michael likes her science fiction a great deal, but you'll have to take his word for that.

Thieves' World


A Magic-Lover's Treasury of the Fantastic (1998) edited by Margaret Weis

Published by Aspect