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Archive for '8.5/10'

The Lawrence Browne Affair

The Lawrence Browne Affair (2017) Cat Sebastian (The Turner Series) Set in England in 1816. Apparently I’m just picking books I want to read and ignoring the rest of any series they might be in. Georgie had taken matters into his own hands, and now Georgie was persona non grata in London, and probably everywhere […]

Agents of Winter

Agents of Winter (2022) Ada Maria Soto (The Agency) Martin’s dietitian would be glad as well. Evidently, his comment at his last appointment of ‘I currently weigh more than I did prior to the incident’ did not paint a good picture of Martin’s long-term health management skills. Martin was sent home with an entirely new […]

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter (2016) R Cooper Why reread? Because Scotty is so very sweet and kind. He picked up Becks to give nervous, overprotective Bobby a break from watching over her all the time, before taking Bobby’s hand for the walk home. Scott didn’t get any more time to think about it, because […]

A Dangerous Madness

A Dangerous Madness (2014) Michelle Diener (Regency London) Set in England in 1812 Phoebe’s betrothed’s forceful whisper was as loud as her soft-spoken question, but she bit her tongue. She wondered what her tongue would look like after they’d spent a lifetime together. Maybe one day she’d bite it in half. She ached to break […]


Joy (2017) C.S. Poe (A Lancaster Story) “Are there, like… street signs or—” “He’s not from around here,” Nancy said to a guy at the counter who started laughing. “No, honey, just drive. The roads around here will bring you right through into the next town.” I put down the bin of dishes I’d been […]

The Emperor’s Conspiracy

The Emperor’s Conspiracy (2012) Michelle Diener (Regency London) Set in England in 1811. “Em.” Lord Durnham watched as his sister ushered her children out the door in front of her with disbelief. “I don’t understand . . .” He caught Charlotte’s eye as she waited for Ned to go through first, and Charlotte stared straight […]

The Eidolon

The Eidolon (2023) K.D. Edwards (Magnus Academy) This story occurs in parallel to The Hourglass Throne, the third book in The Tarot Sequence. We discover what happened to Max, Quinn, and Anna when they were kidnapped by Lady Time. I truly have no idea if you could read this story without having read the Tarot […]

The Raven King, Audio Edition

The Raven King, Audio Edition (2016) Maggie Stiefvater narrated by Will Patton (The Raven Cycle) My favorite: Ronan Lynch — dreamer of dreams, fighter of men, skipper of classes His feelings for Adam were an oil spill; he’d let them overflow and now there wasn’t a damn place in the ocean that wouldn’t catch fire […]

Grilled Cheese and Goblins: Adventures of a Supernatural Food Inspector

Grilled Cheese and Goblins: Adventures of a Supernatural Food Inspector (2018) Nicole Kimberling Keith had investigated orgy sites where there had been twenty or more witnesses all standing and watching some victim being dismembered just because a cameraman was filming it. The presence of a camera implied fiction and a sense that some authority was […]

Posthumous Education

Posthumous Education (2022) Drew Hayes (Fred, the Vampire Accountant) Fred, the Vampire Accountant, Book 8 This series remains a delight. As usual there are five sections, each a full story but all intertwined. An Unexpected Enrollment An Eventful Guest Lecture An Impromptu Field Trip A Hectic Homecoming The Commencement That’s right–Fred is going back to […]

We’re Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation

We’re Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation (2021) Eric Garcia This is book where I jumped from section to section, looking for bits that were pertinent to what I needed at the time I picked it up. It is one of many books I need to reread more thoroughly, now I’ve had time to process […]

Paranormal Bromance

Paranormal Bromance (2014) Carrie Vaughn What happens with three Gen-X slackers are turned against their will? They become roommates. After being turned, I had been terribly disappointed to learn that vampires still had to do laundry, that we didn’t have some supernatural power that kept our clothing ageless and immortal as well. That bit goes […]

A Restless Truth

A Restless Truth (2022) Freya Marske (Last Binding) Set in England prior to The Great War, around 1907 or 1908. Maud Blyth went to America to find Elizabeth Navenby and warn her she is in danger. Unfortunately, barely before the have left port, Mrs Navenby is killed, and Maud feels partially to blame. Luckily, her […]

Amongst Our Weapons, Audio Edition

Amongst Our Weapons, Audio Edition (2022) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) This is the most recent Rivers of London / Peter Grant book, and now I’m all caught up and have to find something else to listen to. I sped through this when I read it in the spring, so I […]

Murder Is Announced

Murder Is Announced (1050) Agatha Christie (Miss Marple) A murder is announced and will take place on Friday, October 29th, at Little Paddocks at 6: 30 p.m. Friends please accept this, the only intimation. This is post WWII story, and there are so many bits regarding that I love. “You know the Fuel Office won’t […]

Thirteen Problems

Thirteen Problems (1932) Agatha Christie (Miss Marple) The Tuesday Night Club (1927) The Idol House of Astarte (1928) Ingots of Gold (1928) The Blood-Stained Pavement (1928) Motive versus Opportunity (1928) The Thumb Mark of St. Peter (1928) The Blue Geranium (1929) A Christmas Tragedy (1930) The Companion (1930) The Herb of Death (1930) The Four […]

Tales from the Folly: A Rivers of London Short Story Collection, Audio Edition

Tales from the Folly: A Rivers of London Short Story Collection, Audio Edition (2020) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by: the author, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, Ben Elliot, Felix Grainger, Sam Peter Jackson, Alex Kingston, Shvorne Marks, and Penelope Rawlins PART ONE: THE PETER GRANT STORIES The Home Crowd Advantage: set between Rivers of London and Moon Over Soho […]

False Value, Audio Edition

False Value, Audio Edition (2020) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) This is the 8th Peter Grant book. After the events of Lies SLeeping, Peter was suspended while the incident (death in custody) was investigated. This book opens with Peter interviewing for a security position with the Serious Cybernetics Corporation (and yes, […]

Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists

Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists (2017) Angel Martinez Off kilter and knew this would work to distract me. Rating: 8.5/10

The Moving Finger

The Moving Finger (1942) Agatha Christie (Miss Marple) This is the third Miss Marple mystery, and one I’ve reread multiple times, yet this time through I picked up some things I’d not noticed before. Which isn’t unusual, but is fascinating, as things I have learned elsewhere shine a different light upon things I’ve read before. […]

Calypso, Corpses, and Cooking

Calypso, Corpses, and Cooking (2022) Raquel V. Reyes (A Caribbean Kitchen Mystery) I read Mango, Mambo, and Murder and Mia P. Manansala’s Arsenic and Adobo very close together, and have spent the past year confusing the two, because cozy mystery with food and a female lead are what I remembered. To be clear, I liked […]

Agents of Winter

Agents of Winter (2022) Ada Maria Soto (The Agency) I was slightly worried I wasn’t going to enjoy this anywhere near as much as His Quiet Agent, which I adore. It is different from the first story, His Quiet Agent, and also from the short story Merlin in the Library. But it is definitely the […]

A Girl Like Her

A Girl Like Her (2018) Talia Hibbert (Ravenswood) Ruth is trouble. Everyone knows that. After all, the most charming man in town told them all about it. And they beieved him, because he is rich and handsome, and she is weird. Ruth had a policy, when it came to knocked doors: she didn’t answer them. […]

A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie

A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie (2015) Kathryn Harkup Agatha Christie volunteered as a nurse during the first world war, and ended up working at the pharmacy. In order to prepare for the Apothecaries Hall examination Christie was tutored in practical, as well as theoretical, aspects of chemistry and pharmacy. And she […]

Lies Sleeping, Audio Edition

Lies Sleeping, Audio Edition (2018) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) I picked up a lot I missed the first time around. I remember it being late, and needing to go to bed, but I just need to know more…. So, I caught a lot this time. This is set in 2014, […]

Glass Tidings

Glass Tidings (2018) Amy Jo Cousins Something caught at my memory and made me think of this story. Eddie witnesses a hit-and-run accident, and is asked to remain in town over night until the police can take his statement. A soft jacket dropped onto his shoulders. Eddie shrugged it off reflexively. The man caught it […]

The Furthest Station, Audio Edition

The Furthest Station, Audio Edition (2017) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) This novella falls between Foxglove Summer and The Hanging Tree in the timeline. Although I highly recommend starting at the beginning, because it is outside of the primary story arc of the series, it should be accessible to those unfamiliar […]

His Quiet Agent

His Quiet Agent (2017) Ada Maria Soto Arthur Drams likes his job. But he doesn’t like that he is going nowhere with it. “Hi, Arthur Drams, level two analyst, trying, badly apparently, to make friends because I’m really tired of getting promoted sideways because my own supervisors forget I exist.” As he is already out […]

And Everything Nice

And Everything Nice (2020) Ada Maria Soto I needed something fun and happy to clean my brain out. I really do adore this story. He had drawn the short straw and now had to explain to the entire version 5.1 team how a kid they shouldn’t have hired who had already left was going to […]

Pack of Lies

Pack of Lies (2022) Charlie Adhara (Monster Hunt) Whine whine whine. I don’t wanna read about Eli, I wanna read more about Cooper and Oliver. (finally picks up book) (devours book) (immediately preorders sequel) Eli is managing the retreat while Cooper and Oliver are on their honeymoon. What could possibly go wrong? Multiple things, apparently, […]

The Hourglass Throne

The Hourglass Throne (2022) K.D. Edwards (The Tarot Sequence) I really thought I had pre-ordered this. I hadn’t, and because I was failing to deal with all the things, I didn’t notice it was out until the end of August. That said, I read it almost immediately, and devoured it in a day. Rune Saint […]

Whispers Under Ground, Audio Edition

Whispers Under Ground (2012) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Rivers of London) I’m enjoying this reread (relisten) of the Rivers of London series, because I’m paying attention to things I missed earlier, because I didn’t necessarily catch the importance the first time through. But mostly because I adore Peter. So just chalk it up […]

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions (2009) Dan Ariely I’ll be honest–I have listened to this book several times. Unfortunately, because it’s non fiction, I’d get distracted and so the ends of chapters and the end of the book? (I retained next to nothing.) (Why the ends of chapters? Because when I’d […]

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter

Hottie Scotty and Mr. Porter (2016) R. Cooper Honestly, I’m not even sure what it is about this story, but it keeps catching at my mind. Part of it is how awful the women in the town are. Scott nodded, so weirdly nervous that his voice trembled. “It makes them want to read more. Maybe […]

A Gift for Guile

A Gift for Guile (2016) Alissa Johnson (The Thief Takers) Set in England in 1872. Esther has finally admitted that she was involved in her father’s schemes–as his teenage henchman. And no one blames Esther for that–except Esther herself. Though he suspected she’d be surprised to hear it, Samuel didn’t hold it against her. She’d […]

A Talent for Trickery

A Talent for Trickery (2015) Alissa Johnson (The Thief-Takers) Set in England in 1872 Owen Renderwell, the first Viscount Renderwell and Gentleman Thief-Taker needs to solve a series of crimes. And to do so, he needs the help of a woman he hasn’t spoken to in eight years. A woman who sent all his letters […]

Flame in the Dark, Audio Edition

Flame in the Dark, Audio Edition (2017) Faith Hunter narrated by Khristine Hvam (Soulwood) The third Soulwood book finds Nell settling into working at PsyLED. And being gently courted by Occam. “Nell, you act like you never been kissed before.” “I ain’t— I haven’t. Not like . . . Not like this.” Occam’s pupils widened […]

The October Man, Audio Version

The October Man, Audio Version (2019) Ben Aaronovitch narrated by Sam Peter Jackson (Rivers of London) London isn’t the only city with magic. I ended up in the Abteilung KDA because I didn’t talk myself out of it fast enough, and because the Director has a vile sense of humour. I ended up learning magic […]

An Unnatural Vice

An Unnatural Vice (2017) KJ Charles (Sins of the Cities) Set in England in 1872 Although we were introduced to Nathaniel in the previous book, my favorite character by far is Justin. Justin used innuendo and throaty moans in the same way he used stolen information and a fanatical level of planning: as weapons. What […]

A Dangerous Madness

A Dangerous Madness (2014) Michelle Diener (Regency London) Set in England in 1819. Phoebe Hillier has always done everything she was supposed to, following all the rules. But when the man to whom she was betrothed (and her father’s insistence) breaks their engagement, she seemingly has little to lose any more. Impotent rage, her old […]

Emperor’s Conspiracy

Emperor’s Conspiracy(2012) Michelle Diener (Regency London) I reread the second book, so then I had to go back and reread the first book. “Em.” Lord Durnham watched as his sister ushered her children out the door in front of her with disbelief. “I don’t understand . . .” He caught Charlotte’s eye as she waited […]

The Remaking of Corbin Wale

The Remaking of Corbin Wale (2018) Roan Parrish Romance plus bakery The best bakeries had a cohesive vision. You didn’t want a counter selling bran muffins next to key lime tarts next to baklava next to polvorones. The menu needed to have range, but not feel chaotic— provide surprises, but not overwhelm. Even the bits […]

Curse on the Land, Audio Edition

Curse on the Land (2016) Faith Hunter narrated by Khristine Hvam Nell Ingram is now officially a member of PsyLEDs Unit 18. She’s finished he training at Spook School and is officially a problem. This is the story with the underground working and the slime mold and things coming to a head with Paca and […]

The Voyage of the Basilisk: A Memoir by Lady Trent, Audio Edition

The Voyage of the Basilisk: A Memoir by Lady Trent, Audio Edition (2015) Marie Brennan narrated by Kate Reading Six years after her return for Eriga, Lady Trent and her companions set out for a two year journey around the world, to study dragons. For my own part, I found my quarters at first shockingly […]

That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon

That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon (2021) Kimberly Lemming (Mead Mishaps) This is utterly ridiculous. My self-preserving habits made me a bit of an outlier with the other girls in town. “Who wouldn’t want to go off on a grand adventure with a bunch of hot heroes also chosen by the goddess?” […]

Pale Rider: The Spanish Flu of 1918 and How It Changed the World

Pale Rider: The Spanish Flu of 1918 and How It Changed the World (2017) Laura Spinney This one took me a bit to get through, but mostly because I completely stopped reading non-fiction for awhile last year. This is another story about the Spanish Influenza, this time focusing upon the changes the diseases wrought upon […]

The Missing Page

The Missing Page (2022) Cat Sebastian (Page & Sommers) Set in England in 1948. It has only been a few months since James and Leo met during a murder case, but Leo is now claiming James “spare room” as his landing place when he is home from whatever missions he is sent out on. But […]

Valor: Wands

Valor: Wands (2018) Isabelle Melançon, Megan Lavey-Heaton Editors “The Prince’s New Clothes” by Isabelle Melançon and Megan Lavey-Heaton “Mom Knight and The Centipede” by Sara Goetter “The Magnificent Daji” by Alex Singer and Diana Huh “Maleen” by Nicole Chartland “Marie and The Nutcracker” by Emily Hann “The Laughing Queen” by Gisele Weaver “The Princess with […]

A Christmas Dance

A Christmas Dance (2014) Alissa Johnson Set in historical England. William Renwick, Earl of Casslebury, always has a plan for everything. He was four-and-thirty, and it was time he did his duty to the title by producing an heir. Never mind he hadn’t expected to outlive two cousins and an older brother to inherit the […]

The Tropic of Serpents: A Memoir by Lady Trent, Audio Book

The Tropic of Serpents: A Memoir by Lady Trent, Audio Book (2014) Marie Brennan Narrated by Kate Reading (A Natural History of Dragons) This is such a delightful book, and the audio is just as good. if you are likely to be deterred by descriptions of violence, disease, foods alien to the Scirling palate, strange […]